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Messages - windmark8040

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Novus 2e / Re: Libram Arcanis Page Preview
« on: July 03, 2022, 10:20:51 AM »
Newly introduced to Novus 2e. Looking good! Can't wait to see more!

Novus RPG / Novus Deluxe Version PDF- Rogue Class Question
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:43:17 AM »
Thanks for the clarification! 

Novus RPG / Possibilities for the next issue of Libram Novus?
« on: October 07, 2012, 09:27:54 AM »
Glad the move has worked out well for you, and congrats!  Can't wait until you get settled in and have more time to share more Novus insights with us.

Novus RPG / Possibilities for the next issue of Libram Novus?
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:52:57 AM »
Any updates on what we can expect in the next issue?  :I would love to get my hands on Monster and PC race creation guidelines!

Novus RPG / Background Skill Ranks
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:52:32 AM »
Coolness! Thanks for clarifying.

Novus RPG / Background Skill Ranks
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:40:44 AM »
A given Background is allowed to give 3 ranks to the Stealth skill because that skill is specialized.

Ok, probably due to old age, I missed that!  :o

Stealth serves several purposes. Your character will use it for hiding, as well as for sneaking about quietly. In both instances, your character is using camouflage, shadows and
cover to conceal his presence.

I didn't guess from the above text, that Stealth was a specialized skill. I assumed it covered both hiding and sneaking, although I like that its specialized! 

Each individual craft is required to be developed as a separate skill, with each skill allowing the character to perform any and all tasks required by the job.

Now the Crafting skill text is much more clear; although could it be possible to either be more specific in the skill info for each skill, like Crafting was done, or make a notation on the skill table?

From reading the entries and the examples, I am assuming that the following are Specialized Skills:

Performing Arts
and Stealth

But I must admit, I am also using my knowledge of rpg games and how skills are typically used...

Novus RPG / Fate points
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:36:45 PM »

Novus RPG / Elemental Bolt
« on: May 14, 2011, 12:23:16 AM »
LoL! It never ends, does it? No worries- we are all here to help!

First of all, Tim, thanks for taking the time out to have these (sometimes heated?) 

Posted by: Tywyll
I loathe the 'mages can't wear armor' trope in a game that is supposed to be generic and in which it is unnecessary for balance.  Wizards in DnD weren't allowed to wear armor as a way of limiting their ultimately cosmic power.  Casters in Novus don't seem to have access to that kind of gross imbalance, and so its a purely aesthetic decision rather than a mechanical one.

I have not become an expert on the Novus System yet, and I can't yet speak on the limitations of the magic system, but while looking over the Libras Novus I supplement, it appears to me that mages can and will have access to fairly powerful spells- especially since the system allows for spell creation.

Now if the author/creator of a system desires Impedance, so be it. Just because a system is "generic", doesn't mean it can't have both aesthetic (setting) and mechanic rules. You as a GM have the power to modify any sytem any way you desire to. I honestly don't think I have ever played in or GMed a game that hadn't been "houseruled" or modified in some form.

Magic Stat determined by Class (or dispense with most of the classes and make a generic caster template that had flexible skills)

Magic Stats are determined by class already. The system is based upon Classes. Its not a classless system- although that is my preferance! 

Two Types of Magic: High and Low (or Prosaic or whatever).  Everyone can use Low.

That seems to be the direction that the system is headed in. Universal Magic (in my interpretation) is like a Low Magic. Everyone can use Universal Magic- if they purchase the Magecraft and Spellcraft skills.

'why can't my priest of nature use Nature spells?'

Who says he can't? The Player and Gm simply need to work together and create some Nature spells.

I like your ideas alot and simply see them as inspiration for creative GM's and players to go nuts, using the flexibility of the system as it stands.

Posted by: Rasyr(Tim)
However, I am actually working on (thanks to some comments from a poster on a single spell using Class that does away with the the existing spell-using Classes and replaces them with a single Class (4 Favored Skills, 3 other skills selected by the Player).

As a stickler for continuity, I must ask- if there is a single spell-using class that does away with the existing classes (allowing for more flexibility), will there also the be a single melee or martial class that allows for the same flexibilty? Then players and Gm's can basically make and design their own classes, by choosing the skills they want?

I really like the fact that casters can wear armor! As far as Impedance is concerned, I think it should modify the wearer's casting Target Number. This would apply if the character is casting a spell or when counterspelling. I don't think it is really necessary to increase the spell point cost, since its a double-penalty, as far as I see it. BUT, I wouldn't cry too much about it! 

Novus RPG / Version 0.4 Thoughts, Typos, Etc.
« on: May 18, 2011, 10:40:16 PM »
Sorry I wan't more specific.

Page 25

I'm confused on Spell Points...  On page 16 it says that Minor gets 7 + Magic Stat bonus, and Major Adepts get 12 + Magic Stat bonus Spell points.  Then on page 23 it says that Minor Adepts gain an extra 3 Spell Points, and that Major get an additional 5 Spell Points...

I think I may have answered my own question... :Thanks

Novus RPG / Version 0.4 Thoughts, Typos, Etc.
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:08:59 PM »
p. 48

In addition to the spells from each School, there are also a group of Codified spells known as Universal Spells because they are very common and often learned by casters from
many different Schools.

If Codified spells and Universal spells are one in the same, then to avoid confusion, may they just be known as Universal spells? Or whatever terminology is decided upon.

And speaking of spells  Can we please get a ruling on the confusion about Major/Minor Adept spell points that was brought up by samwise7, earlier in this thread?

Novus RPG / Version 0.4 Thoughts, Typos, Etc.
« on: May 17, 2011, 01:46:49 PM »
Thanks, Sam!  I just started rolling up some characters and one thing that was a slight speed bump was the initial confusion of "Primary Stats" and "Prime Stats". I couldn't think of any better suggestions for "Prime", other than "Master Stats", but i dunno...maybe it isn't a big deal.

Novus RPG / Version 0.4 Thoughts, Typos, Etc.
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:37:02 PM »

Bastard Sword - Often called a Hand-and-a- Half Sword. It has an extra long hilt that could easily accommodate either 1 hand or two.

Any thoughts about adding a special Damage Bonus for using the sword two-handed, or should we just use the One Handed Weapons in Two Hands rule?

Encumbrance Unit

Outside of a character's Basic Equipment and Backpack, a character may carry an amount equal to 2 lbs for each point of their Strength Stat Value. Thus a character with a Strength Stat Value of 15 has an Encumbrance Unit of 30 lb.


Each full Encumbrance Unit gives the character a -4 modifier to all actions. Especially large or bulky items can impose greater modifiers. If the character is carrying more than 2 Encumbrance Units, his Movement Rate is halved, and he will be unable to dodge, or perform any other types of similar actions.

So no matter if a character has a Strength stat of 5 (10 EU) or 15 (30 EU), he will suffer an Encumbrance action penalty if he is carrying more than 2 Encumbrance Units; which also halves his Movement and hampers his combat ability?

Shouldn't a character's Strength determine the number of EU he can carry- beyond his basic equipment? I may be wrong, but the Human stat average looks to be about 12-13. So wouldn't it make sense for a character with a Strength greater than the average, to be able to carry more EU?

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