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Messages - Shagwell

Pages: [1]
Hârn World / Hârnic Monsters
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:01:57 AM »
Looks like a good start Tim.

From the official CGI list (, other possibilities to include might be: -

  • horses (a herd animal, but one commonly used/encountered by adventurers)
  • other big cats (although possibly only exotic to Harn itself)
  • snakes
  • (proper) dragons
  • aquatics (sea monsters)
  • fungi
  • the Tawedog (a Harnic sasquatch)

It could be argued that there are 3 classifications of undead: Amorvrin, Gulmorvrin and Non-Morvrin.  The Morvrin are animated by the Orb of Bukrai and exude the Shadow - basically a field effect of mind/soul attack.  While the Gulmorvrin lack free will, they have a stronger Shadow - making them a lot more dangerous than your run of the mill zombie.

Thus, amorvrin would resemble or could be synthesised as vampires, vampire spawn and/or liches as you write.
Gulmorvrin would resemble or could be synthesised as (I think) wights, shadows, mummies and/or wraiths.
Other types of undead would be animated either by their own willpower or by the willpower/spells of individual spellcasters/items.  I don't think that I have seen the normal cannon fodder skeletons, zombies or ghouls in Harn - the vibe for undead has been rare but deadly/scary.

My 2c anyway.[/list]

Novus RPG / Fate Point Options -- Opinions wanted....
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:25:50 AM »
Good stuff.

To me, the "Narrate Story Element" and "Special" options fit pretty well together.  "Special" seems like an extension of "Narrate..." that possibly brings rolls into play and the GM takes more control over.  You could possibly formalise this a bit and make the cost 2-5 or even 2-6???

Hârn World / Barbarians of Hârn
« on: October 25, 2011, 07:51:38 AM »
Just worth noting that the 'tribes' listed are actually tribal nations rather than single tribes.  They consist of anywhere from a handful of pathetic bands (Kabloqui) up to dozens of large tribes (100's of individuals) with tributary relationships (e.g. Kubora, Hodiri, Tulwyn).  Some of the nations have ranges that encompass a variety of environs, so you might have a mixture of coastal, forest and hill tribes.  Characters with farming/herding/domestic backgrounds may well be (escaped?) slaves.

My initial thoughts on possible groupings: -
- Primarily fisherfolk = Adaenum, Chymak, Kamaki.
- Primarily forest folk = Anoa, Taelda, Tulwyn, Ymodi.
- Primarily horse tribes = Chelni, Hodiri.
- Primarily hill tribes = Kath, Solori.
- Primarily degenerates = Kabloqui (weak), Pagaelin (strong).
- Forest/Hills = Bujoc
- Forest/Hills/Coast = Equani (slightly degenerate/strong?), Gozyda (3 small sub-nations, 1 degenerate/weak), Kubora, Urdu.

Hârn World / Barbarians of Hârn
« on: October 25, 2011, 07:16:00 AM »
Some thoughts on Halflings: -
1) The mere thought of halflings on Hârn is blasphemy to some, so I'm glad you double-qualified your mention of them!  :-X
2) In the official material, there is an island well to the south of Hârn (Gyzem IIRC?), where 'halflings' are rumoured to dwell.
3) I pretty much agree with your call on the most appropriate candidates for Halfling tribes.

Hârn World / Novus/Hârn Document Outline
« on: October 13, 2011, 07:40:29 AM »
This looks like a good start Tim - I'd say your general approach looks good!

Do you have a copy of the HârnMaster rules?  Perhaps Grant might give you one if you don't (I believe they were free at one stage).  These include some a lot of character generation/background info that might be useful to get a feel for setting up Hârn characters.

Good luck with it - I will probably only be able to pop in occasionally and fire off an ill-considered comment.   

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