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Messages - Mruf

Pages: [1]
Novus RPG / DEF-no comprende :)
« on: April 19, 2013, 08:41:39 AM »
Can you attack (parry it's Combat Move)? I grasp it in this way.

PARRY, Can you PARRY? (I couldn't improve it through "modify")

Novus RPG / DEF-no comprende :)
« on: April 19, 2013, 08:13:46 AM »
First off - thanx 4 two vast explanations

Now, to be VERY clear, all Combat Moves are considered to be attacks!

Tadaaaaam! It's the brightest sentence

So, if you declare a Parry for the round, then THAT is your attack for the round

So, even if you declare parry or dodge for this round, you'll get a chance to strike with, f.i., 2H sword? Did I caught it well? On the other hand - imagine such a situation - you have struck in this round for 5AP (again 2H sword) and lack of AP. ZERO AP till the end of this turn. Can you attack (parry it's Combat Move)? I grasp it in this way.

Every character has a DEF (Defense) score

Yap, this is static, passive value, has one Ap's or not.

Novus RPG / about HP's
« on: April 16, 2013, 03:32:29 PM »
I guess that what I am saying is that if you do not include exploding dice rolls and Boons, then yes, it could easily take that long to defeat a foe.

I think the best way to try it is to play a session. I'll do it when we finish my ongoing campaign. It'll be Hyborian Age (Conan) on NOVUS engine

Novus RPG / Simpifying the System
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:36:45 PM »

Novus RPG / Simpifying the System
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:23:28 PM »
I've also thought about coming up with a system were armor isn't damage reduction but I'm not so sure on that one.

Do you think about increasing DEF because of wearing armour? Like in d&d? If so,  it's rather not best idea, armour decreases quickness and flexibility. I fought a little in Knights Brotherhood (there is one in my neighbourhood) with blade, shield and armour, and armour only have got me tired When i was hit it gave me some protection, nothing more than that. AP looks quite good in NOVUS, I think.

Novus RPG / First Impressions
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:54:23 PM »
those were two of several things that I was trying to actually achieve with Novus.

...and you did it well, I suppose. "Suppose" - because I didn't play yet.
At first glance NOVUS is pretty nice engine for fantasy ones. I'll describe my impressions after team's first meeting.

Other Game Systems / best superhero role-playing game?
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:29:55 PM »
IMHO the best roleplay for those who love to be a hero is Savage Worlds. One can create there real killing monster. Fights aren't lethal for you can spend one of few boons and are back among living

Tyrlon / What is Tyrlon?
« on: April 16, 2013, 07:16:05 PM »
Have never looked at the Banestorm setting (maybe I should, for inspirational purposes)

Elven mages unleash banestorm hell which "downloaded" people from our world

Tyrlon / What is Tyrlon?
« on: April 16, 2013, 06:57:16 PM »
It is unique in that it is set in a dimensional pocket that attaches to many different possible outer worlds.

It sounds similar to Banestorm, setting written for GURPS. People arrive from our reality, so one can find polish, german, french villages from various ages

Novus RPG / DEF-no comprende :)
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:23:01 PM »
I don't understand correctly how to defend. I saw there are only two independent defense manoeuvres: parry and dodge (for shield does exist as a number (added to DEF)). Parry costs BMA, dodge 3 AP (or 2?, I saw both quotients in text). We've got only 5 points in a single round. What happens if I spend all of my AP for attack (2H sword - 5AP)? Can I defend in another way? Perhaps foe hits me when he simply reaches my DEF? Could you explain it?

thx in advance

Novus RPG / sth except rules?
« on: April 16, 2013, 06:09:52 PM »
I have to ask whether you intend to prepare some setting for Novus engine? Some fantasy world to play in. Kind of "Forgotten Realms" for this mechanics, I mean.
I'm going to use these rules in Conan's universe. 

Novus RPG / about HP's
« on: April 16, 2013, 01:26:54 PM »

First, I'm not advanced in english, so if you could forgive me richness of faults...

IMO HP's value is a bit to large. It's not hard to reach 60-70 points for standard human-warrior. One strike with 1H sword deals 8 dmg plus success value (number above DEF, I don't count any other modifiers from, for instance, combat manouevres). It gives not impressing total. So, 10 dmg, HP 70, one must strike 7 times to get statistic fellow down. Aha, when fellow has some kind of armour, problem occurs more noticeably. I have read Novus only once, but i saw this trouble pretty well.

What do you think about it?

Again, sorry for flaws...  :'(

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