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Messages - BSDJoker

Pages: [1]
Novus RPG / Assistance with "home brew" mechanics
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:37:28 PM »
So my friends and I are doing a dieselpunk-esq game, and we decided to use the Novus rules, because we like them. But there is a complication arising that I'm trying to get clarification on. The setting has firearms and other more modern ranged weapons to use. I was working on making a type of gunslinger character, but we're having a dispute on how two weapon ranged combat would work.

With a semi-automatic firearm, there wouldn't be a reload time ever round, so a basic ranged attack only uses 2 action points, so if I'm holding two pistols at the same time, while taking the appropriate negatives, and barring other combat moves or skills, I should be able to use 2 AP for each firearm, right? One round from each pistol would cost 2 AP.

I know that combat moves and other things would change this, but I'm just talking about for a "basic missile attack". Does that sound right?

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