Calm Animal
Cost: (Mj 3/Mn 4/N 5)
SP Cost:
Will (TN 16)
Duration: 10 Minutes
Description: Caster is able to soothe and calm one animal, chosen at the time of casting. Calmed animals will not attack or run from the caster unless they are physically threatened or attacked.
Normal animals do not get a Save against this spell, but animals that have attack training and unusual animals will receive a Save vs. Will. (Base: Influence)
Casting Options
Increased Range (up to 50’)
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Per Additional Target
Area Effect (5’ radius)
Increased Radius (per +5’)
Cost: (Mj 2/Mn 3/N 4)
SP Cost:
Duration: 20 Minutes
Description: Upon casting, the caster and all of his equipment take on the coloration of his surroundings, becoming effectively invisible, so long as he does not move. Anybody attempting to spot the caster while he is camouflaged does so with a -5 modifier to their roll. If the caster moves, the modifier to the viewer’s perception is cancelled. If the caster moves into an area where his surroundings are different from those when this spell was originally cast, the negative modifier becomes a positive modifier for those attempting to spot the character.
The casting option, Shifting Camouflage, allows the caster to move and for the camouflage to shift to match his new surroundings. However, each AP spent moving reduces the perception modifier by 1 (i.e. moving 3 AP in a round means that the perception modifier will go from -5 to -2), and moving faster than the character’s base rate reduces the modifier by 5. (Base: Conceal)
Casting Options
Increased Modifier (per -1)
Shifting Camouflage
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Charm Animal
Cost: (Mj 5/Mn 6/N 7)
SP Cost:
Will (TN 18)
Duration: 1 Hour
Description: Target animal believes that the caster is a good friend. So long as the caster is friendly towards the target or takes no offensive action against him, the target will behave in a friendly manner. If the caster or others of his party are in combat with, or acting in a threatening manner towards the target when the spell is cast, the target gains a +5 modifier to his Save. If anybody attacks or acts threatening towards the Charmed animal, he will get a second Save with a +3 modifier. (Base: Influence)
Casting Options
Increased Range (up to 50’)
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Per Additional Target
Area Effect (5’ radius)
Increased Radius (per +5’)
Detect Hazards
Cost: (Mj 4/Mn 5/N 6)
SP Cost:
Duration: 10 Minutes
Description: This spell allows the caster to, at any time within the duration, concentrate for one or more rounds and glean information about natural hazards (quicksand, an unsafe wall, etc.) and simple traps made from natural materials (pit traps, deadfalls, snare traps, wooden spikes on branches set to whip at the target, etc.) within a 50’ radius. The amount of information gained is determined by the amount of time spent concentrating. Concentrating for a single round reveals that there are such hazards within range. Concentrating for two rounds gives the number of hazards and their direction, while concentrating for 3 rounds tells you what those hazards are and where they are. For each additional round spent, the caster can learn more information about one of the detected hazards, such as what and where the trigger is, if the hazard is a trap.
The casting option, No Concentration, allows the caster to automatically know when there is a hazard within range, but he would still need to concentrate to discover additional information about it. (Base: Reveal)
Casting Options
Increased Sensing Range (per +10’)
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour
Increased Duration (1 day)
No Concentration
The list of Casting Options in the book contains a Casting Option entitled Use Casting Options (required). This was a hold-over from the Open Beta, from the introduction of Casting Options and it is not required and should be ignored.
Eldritch Fire
Cost: (Mj 2/Mn 3/N 4)
SP Cost:
Duration: —
Description: Caster draws upon elemental fire to send a bolt of flame shooting from the palm of his hand. It does a Base Damage of 4 + the caster’s Wisdom Bonus. This flame has a 5 out of 10 chance of setting any flammable materials that are worn or carried by the target on fire.
If the casting option, Eldritch Ball of Fire, is used, the
attack may be used to hit a specific person or to hit a location. The attack looks like a normal bolt of flame until just before it strikes its target, at which time it explodes outwards, filling the area to the edges of its radius, if that is possible, with flames. If it cannot reach the edge of its radius on one side, it does not backblast or rebound to make the area it does fill more dangerous.
If used to hit a location, the caster will have to attack the location and beat a DEF of 15, total damage will be figured from there. All who are within the radius of the spell when it hits are automatically hit, but they may make a Saving Throw vs. Dex (TN 15), with success meaning that they take half damage from the attack. A character’s Armor Rating (AR) may then be applied against the remaining damage. In this sort of attack, a shield’s bonus to DEF is counted as additional AR.
If the ball attack targets a specific person, the attack will be against the target’s DEF and he will not get a Save for half damage. All others within the radius of the attack will be treated as if the attack were against a specific location (this uses the same roll as against the targeted person, the total damage is simply figured separately).
If the option, Eldritch Cone of Fire, is used the attack will form a cone attack. The cone starts at the caster’s location and has a width of 5’ and it ends at the maximum range of the spell and has a width of 3’ for every 10’ in length. Thus a 50’ long cone has a width of 15’ at its distant end. Cone attacks are resolved in the same manner as area attacks against a location for all potential targets within the cone. (Base: Attack)
Casting Options
Increased Base Damage (per +1 hit)
Increased Range (per +50’)
Eldritch Ball of Fire (5’ radius)
Increased Radius (per +5’ radius)
Eldritch Cone of Fire
Cost: (Mj 5/Mn 6/N 7)
SP Cost:
varies (TN 18)
Duration: 1 Minute
Description: Caster causes all plant life within a 5’ radius to grow and/or animate and attack all within that radius. Those within the radius may make a Save vs. Dex to avoid being attacked that round, but in doing so, their movement rate is also reduced by half.
Those who fail this Save are subjected to a grappling attack. This attack will use the original casting roll as the attack roll against the target’s DEF. If the attack is successful, the attack does a Base Damage of 4 hits (Scaled Damage applies), and the target is grappled and unable to move. The target may attempt to make a Save vs. Str in order to break free. This Save has a TN of 15 and may be increased through the use of casting options or Boon Points. The target may make one attempt to break free each round.
For each round after the first that the target is entangled, he takes an amount of damage equal to that received in the initial entanglement as the plants try to strangle and crush the target.
The casting option, Entanglement Cone, creates a cone 50’ long, that is 5’ wide on the end closest to the caster, and 15’ wide at the far end. All within the cone must make the saves as described above or be entangled. This spell requires that there be some vegetation within the area of the spell. (Base: Attack)
Casting Options
Increased Radius (per +5’ radius)
Increase Save vs. Str Difficulty (per +1)
Entanglement Cone
The list of Casting Options in the book contains a Casting Option entitled Use Casting Options (required). This was a hold-over from the Open Beta, from the introduction of Casting Options and it is not required and should be ignored.
Cost: (Mj 4/Mn 5/N 6)
SP Cost:
Duration: 10 minutes
Description: Caster creates a dense fog that fills a 10’ radius area centered upon any point within the range of this spell and that will move as the caster wills it to move at a rate of 10’ per round. The caster must concentrate on the fog each round that he wishes it to move. Any beings or creatures caught within the fog will not be able to see beyond 1’. If they attempt to move faster than 1’ per round, they risk stumbling or falling over objects in the mist (roll 1d10, 1-5 results in fumble-like incident). (Base: Change Environment)
Casting Options
Increased Radius (per +5’)
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Cost: (Mj 3/Mn 4/N 5)
SP Cost:
Duration: —
Description: Caster is able to find any one type of living animal or plant located within a 1 mile radius. This will give the caster the basic direction and distance to the specimen of plant or animal that he is looking for. If there are multiple instances of the object of the search within the radius, this spell only gives distance to the closest. The caster may exclude a specific example of what he is looking for, that he knows the specific location of, when casting this spell (i.e. he can exclude the rose garden that he is standing beside to find other roses within range). If there are no specimens of what he is looking for within range, the spell will give the caster the direction to the nearest specimen, but not the distance.
If the caster concentrates for extra rounds, he can glean more information about the specimens located by this spell. He can focus on one located specimen each round and determine its general state of health and vitality. (Base: Divination/Reveal)
Casting Options
Increased Search Radius (per +1 mile)
Minor Healing
Cost: (Mj 3/Mn 4/N 5)
SP Cost:
Duration: —
Description: Caster heals target of 10 + Wisdom Stat Bonus hits of damage. Alternatively, this spell could be used to remove up to 3 points of a negative modifier or heal up to 3 points of bleeding or remove up to 2 rounds of Stun that a character might have. The desired effect must be chosen at the time of casting.
The casting option, Scaled Healing, allows the caster to heal an additional 1 hit for every point that the casting roll was above the CTN of the spell. (Base: Heal)
Casting Options
Scaled Healing
Increased Hits Healed (per +5 hits)
Increased Modifier Removed (per -1)
Stop Bleeding (per +1 point stopped)
Remove Stun (per round of Stun)
Speak with Animals
Cost: (Mj 3/Mn 4/N 5)
SP Cost:
Duration: 10 Minutes
Description: Caster is able to communicate and comprehend one of the language of animals; Avian (birds), Bovine (herd animals), Canine (dogs/wolves/etc.), Equine (horses), Feline (cats), Piscine (fish), Rodentia (rats/ raccoons/etc.), Saurian (lizards), or Simian (apes). The caster must choose at the time of casting. He is able to ask questions and receive answers. The caster must concentrate to engage in this communication.
This spell does not make the animal friendly to the caster. Animals that are wary or cunning are more likely to give short answers and be evasive, while less intelligent animals are likely to make inane comments. If the animal is friendly to the caster, it may be willing to do some favor or service for the caster, so long as that favor or service does not harm it or put it into serious peril.
The casting option, Speak Ancient Animal Language, allows the caster to speak what is reputed to be the first animal tongue, the language of Dragons and other mythical creatures. (Base: Telepathy)
Casting Options
Speak Additional Language
Speak Ancient Animal Language
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Increased Duration (1 day)
Traceless Passing
Cost: (Mj 3/Mn 4/N 5)
SP Cost:
Duration: 1 Hour
Description: Caster is able, with concentration, to pass through any sort of terrain without leaving any sort of tracks or other visual signs of his passing. (Base: Conceal)
Casting Options
Other Targets (per target; Range: Touch)
Increased Duration (1 day)
Increased Effect (no scent)
Water Breathing
Cost: (Mj 4/Mn 5/N 6)
SP Cost:
Duration: 10 Minutes
Description: Caster is able to breathe water or air for the duration. (Base: Transform)
Casting Options
Increased Duration (20 minutes)
Increased Duration (1 hour)
Increased Duration (1 day)
Other Targets (per target; Range: Touch)