Advanced Combat Training
Cost: 15
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character receives special training that allows him to enhance his melee capabilities. The >Multiple Attacks from High Skill (p. 45) capability described in the Combat chapter requires that the character’s Combat Skill Bonus be split among the number of attacks he is able to make after receiving modifiers for the number of attacks that he plans on making and the number of foes to be attacked.
This Talent allows the character to use his full remaining Combat Skill Bonus, after the adjustments for multiple attacks has been made, for each of those multiple attacks, rather than splitting it among them.
As with the original capability, this Talent may not be used in conjunction with combat styles or skills that allow for multiple attacks each round.
Agile Defense
Cost: 5
Trainable: Yes
Description: Character undergoes a rigorous training regimen that allows him to be more agile and harder to hit in combat. The character gains an extra +1 to his DEF for every 5 ranks that he has in his best melee (armed or unarmed) Combat Skill. This is in addition to the normal +1 for every 5 ranks in their best melee Combat Skill that all characters receive. However, the character only receives this bonus so long as he is not wearing any armor heavier than Soft Leather, bracers (any type), and a helm (Skullcaps only, but any type).
Cost: 10
Trainable: No
Description: The character may use either hand equally well. He does not receive a -4 modifier for “off-hand”.
Armor, Heavy
Cost: 9
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character is trained in the wearing and use of metal armors (chain, scale and plate). This also includes the abilities of Armor, Light and Armor, Medium. If the character already has one of those Talents, then they should subtract its cost from the cost of this Talent.
Armor, Light
Cost: 3
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character is trained in the wearing and use of padded cloth, furs, and soft leather armors.
Armor, Medium
Cost: 6
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character is trained in the wearing and use of reinforced leather armors (hard leather, leather scale, brigandine, etc.). This also includes the abilities of Armor, Light. If the character already has that Talent, then they should subtract its cost from the cost of this Talent.
Combat Training I
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has received some formal training in combat. This produces a number of specific results as follows:
2 Combat Skills become Favored Skills
Gains a +1 Bonus to all Favored Combat Skills
Gains an additional +1 Bonus to one Favored Combat Skill
Gains a +1 Bonus to DEF
Gains a bonus of 5 Hit Points
May learn 1 Combat Move for every 3 ranks in a Combat Skill or Style
Combat Training II
Cost: 20
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has received a great deal of formal training in combat. This produces a number of specific results as follows:
3 Combat Skills become Favored Skills
Gains a +2 Bonus to all Favored Combat Skills
Gains a +2 Bonus to DEF
Gains a bonus of 10 Hit Points
Gains a bonus of 5 Hit Points
May learn 1 Combat Move for each rank in a Combat Skill or Style
Cost: 5+
Trainable: No
Description: The character is able to see in complete, nonmagical, darkness up to 10’. When using a light source, such as a torch, in darkness, the character may see up to the distance illuminated by the light source, plus the full range of this ability. When outdoors at night, the character may see clearly up to twice the normal distance of this ability. On a brightly lit night (i.e. full moon), the character may see up to 10x the normal range of this ability. The character may, when acquiring this Talent, increase the range beyond 10’ by paying +1 CP for each additional 5’ of range.
CP Cost
Per each additional 5’ of range
Extra School of Magic
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: This Talent may only be acquired by Major Adepts or Minor Adepts that only have a single School of Magic. With it, the character gains access to a second School of Magic, learning how to cast spells from it. This gives him a Spellcasting skill for this second School of Magic as a Favored skill. Spells from a given School will be cast using the skill for that specific School. Universal Spells will be cast using the Spellcasting skill with the higher skill bonus.
If the character is a Major Adept, he will no longer use the “Mj” CP costs when buying spells. Instead, he will use the “Mn” CP costs from the point of acquiring this Talent on forwards, for all Universal spells and all spells from both Schools of Magic. Minor Adepts will continue to use the “Mn” CP costs for Universal Spells and spells from both his Schools of Magic.
If a character who does not have one of the various Adept Talents acquires this Talent, it will allow him to purchase spells from a single School of Magic using the “N” costs.
This Talent may only ever be acquired once.
Extra Spell Points
Cost: 10
Trainable: No
Description: With this Talent, the character starts off with an extra 5 Spell Points in addition those normally gained.
Extraordinary Aim
Cost: 10
Trainable: No
Description: The character is an expert with one type of ranged weapon. So long as he is not mounted or has not moved in the round in which he fires or throws, his penalty for each Range Increment is only -2 instead of the normal -4. If he takes a round to prepare before his shot, there is no penalty at all for range. The character cannot be wearing any armor heavier than reinforced leather if he wants to gain the range penalty reduction.
Fast Mana Recovery
Cost: 10
Trainable: No
Description: A character normally recovers 1 Spell Point (SP) every 30 minutes if he is active and moving about, 1 SP every 10 minutes if resting (laying down and not moving about), and 1 SP for every 5 minutes spent sleeping or meditating. With this Talent, the character recovers his Spell Points a little quicker than normal. His time increments for recovery are 1 SP every 20 minutes when active, 1 SP every 6 minutes while resting, and 1 SP every 3 minutes while sleeping or meditating.
Favored Skill
Cost: 3
Trainable: No
Description: With this Talent, the player is allowed to select one Standard Skill to be treated as a Favored Skill. This is a single instance of that skill, not all instances. This Talent may be acquired multiple times, for a different skill or different instance of a skill each time. If used on a skill in which the character already has skill ranks, it does not change the cost of ranks already purchased (i.e. he does NOT gain Character Points), only the cost of future ranks.
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has learned how to enter a state of single-minded, focused rage. Once the character has entered a Frenzied state, he will gain the following benefits and restrictions.
+5 to all melee attacks.
All melee attacks do double Base Damage.
All Boon Points must be spent on increasing damage or making additional attacks.
May not Fight Defensively or use any other defensive actions.
Is limited to simple movement and making basic attacks (i.e. no Combat Moves).
The character must spend at least a full round preparing to enter a frenzied state. He must then make a Save vs. Will to be able to enter the Frenzy. Each extra round spent preparing will grant the character a +2 modifier to this roll. The character may remain in the Frenzy for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution Stat Value. Once he leaves the Frenzy, he must wait a minimum number of minutes equal to the number of rounds spent frenzied before he can attempt to go into another Frenzy.
While frenzied, a character will not be able to distinguish friend from foe without making a Save vs. Int. He will first attack the focus of his frenzy, and then attack the next nearest foe, or friend if he cannot tell the difference, and so on until all foes are down. The player may also attempt to roll a Save vs. Will each round to leave the frenzy.
While in the frenzy, the character may only make simple moves and basic attacks. He cannot use Combat Moves, and cannot use any skills that do anything other than move him closer to his target.
While in the frenzy, the character will ignore all damage. He still receives it, just is unaffected by it until he is out of the frenzy. However, if the character is stunned, that will knock him out of the frenzy.
Improved Save
Cost: 7
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character gains a +1 modifier to his Save Modifier for a single stat. This Talent may be acquired multiple times, but never more than once per level. No stat may have its Save Modifier improved multiple levels in a row
Language, Spoken
Cost: 1+
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character learns how to speak one language. He must have a source from which to learn this language. This Talent may be acquired multiple times, for a different language each time.
CP Cost
Ancient Language
Magical Language
Language, Written
Cost: 1+
Trainable: Yes
Description: Character learns how to read and write a single language. He must have a source from which to learn this language. This Talent may be acquired multiple times, for a different language each time.
CP Cost
Ancient Language
Magical Language
Light Touch
Cost: 5
Trainable: No
Description: Characters with this ability have an extremely delicate sense of touch. This grants them a bonus of +3 to all attempts to pick pockets, pick locks, or disarm traps. This is not a bonus to specific skills, but only to certain uses of the skills Gimmickry and Trickery. This Talent cannot be gained by characters that have the Nimble Fingers racial ability.
Major Adept
Cost: 25
Trainable: No
Description: This is the most powerful type of spell caster. Major Adepts have the lowest cost on all Codified spells, using the “Mj” CP costs instead of the normal “N” CP costs. Major Adepts start with a base of 15 Spell Points.
When this Talent is selected, the character must select a School of Magic (see the Schools of Magic table on p. 14 for more information). He may only purchase spells from this School and from the list of Universal Spells.
A Minor Adept who only knows a single School of Magic may upgrade to a Major Adept for a cost of 12 Character Points.
Major Physical Training
Cost: 4
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has spent time working out and increasing his physical stamina. He gains 6 Hit Points to his total. This Talent may be purchased multiple times, but never more than once a level and not in the same level that Minor Physical Training has been purchased.
Minor Adept
Cost: 15
Trainable: No
Description: This type of spell caster can eventually be as strong as the Major Adept, but it takes him much longer to achieve it. He often does so by learning how to cast 2 different Schools of Magic.
When this Talent is selected, the character must select a School of Magic (see the Schools of Magic table on p. 14 for more information). He may only purchase spells from this School and from the list of Universal Spells.
However, the character may also use the Talent, Extra School of Magic, to gain a second School of Magic for his character, if he does not already have one.
When purchasing Codified spells, the Minor Adept uses the “Mn” CP costs instead of the normal “N” CP costs. Minor Adepts also start off with a base of 10 Spell Points.
Minor Physical Training
Cost: 2
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has spent time working out and increasing his physical stamina. He gains 3 Hit Points to his total. This Talent may be purchased multiple times, but never more than once a level and not in the same level that Major Physical Training has been purchased.
Mounted Combat I
Cost: 3
Trainable: Yes
Description: In order to acquire this Talent, the character needs to have 1 or more ranks in the Riding skill. This Talent reduces the modifiers given under Mounted Combat in the Special Situations section of the Combat Chapter (p. 45) by 5 (-8 to DEF and -7 to AB become -3 and -2 respectively).
Mounted Combat II
Cost: 3
Trainable: Yes
Description: This Talent requires, as a prerequisite, that the character already possesses the Mounted Combat I Talent. With this Talent, the character becomes more proficient in making mounted attacks. The total number of Action Points (AP) that the character must use for Mounted Combat (see p. 45) are reduced by 1 and for Mounted Charges (see p. 44) are reduced by 2.
Natural Ability
Cost: 5
Trainable: No
Description: The character gains a +2 modifier to two single, specific skills. If a selected skill is one that must be learned separately for specific instances (i.e. the Combat Skills, Lores, etc.), then this bonus applies to only a single instance of that skill. No skill may receive more than 1 bonus from this Talent.
Cost: 10+
Trainable: No
Description: This ability allows the character to see, when outdoors on a bright night, up to 500’ as if it were just a very dark day. When indoors, the character can see twice as far as the light source normally allows.
The feature, Greater Nightvision, allows a character to see outdoors as well on a bright night as he would on a cloudy, overcast day (further than 500’). When indoors, the character can see three times as far as normally allowed by a light source.
CP Cost
Greater Nightvision
Cost: 8
Trainable: No
Description: The character has a natural affinity to the outdoors. He gains a +2 bonus to Herbcraft (specialization of Craft skill), Survival, Navigation, Riding, and any localized Lore skills (Region, Fauna, Flora, etc.).
Second Site
Cost: 5
Trainable: No
Description: The character is able to clearly see spirits which are normally invisible. The character is also able to see non-spirit entities that are invisible as a hazy outline of their normal form.
Sense Magic
Cost: 10+
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character may make a Perception roll with a -5 modifier to detect active magic. He may only concentrate on one 5’ radius area within 100’ of himself at a time.
Active magic is defined as any active spell. If there is a symbol spell holding another spell, the symbol would detect as active magic, but the spell it holds would not. In the case of magical items, those items that are constant, such as a sword with a +2 magic bonus, would detect as active magic, but a wand of acid bolts would not, it would be considered to be waiting magic. Herbal Remedies and Potions will also count as active magic for detection purposes.
The feature, Detect Waiting Magic, allows the character to detect waiting magic within the area checked as well as active magic. If a character already has Sense Magic and wants to increase it to be able to detect waiting magic, the CP cost is double what is listed below.
CP Cost
Detect Waiting Magic
Shield Training
Cost: 5
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has learned how to better handle his shield. With this Talent, the DEF modifier of the shield being used is increased by 1
Sleight of Hand
Cost: 5
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has learned well the lessons on misdirection and sleight of hand. This grants him a +4 modifier to the Trickery skill.
Speed Loader
Cost: 5
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character is able to load missile weapons faster than normal. With this Talent, loading or reloading a Sling or Bow only requires 2 Action Points (AP). Loading or reloading a Light Crossbow requires only 3 AP and loading or reloading a Heavy Crossbow only requires 5 AP. This requires that the character have his missile weapon in hand and ready, and that his ammunition is also easily accessible.
Stat Increase
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character gains a +1 modifier to any one Stat. This is recorded in the Misc column of the Stats section of the character sheet. This bonus may not increase any stat’s total Value to a number greater than 20 + the character’s racial modifier.
This talent may be acquired more than once, but never more than once per level.
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: The character has learned how to knock a foe unconscious with a single blow. He must use a blunt or heavy weapon (such as a blackjack, club, mace, etc.) and he must either attack the target from behind and/or with surprise. If the attack is successful, it does double Base Damage, but no Scaled Damage, and the foe must make a Save vs. Con or be knocked unconscious for 1d10 minutes. The base TN for the Save is 15 and the character may use Boon Points to increase the TN of the Save. If the target is wearing a helm, he gains the Save modifier vs. Stuns (see p. 36) as a bonus to the Saving Throw generated by this Talent.
Weapon Focus
Cost: 5
Trainable: Yes
Description: This Talent grants the character a special +1 modifier to his Attack Bonus when using a single specific weapon or an unarmed melee skill. This Talent may be acquired more than once, for a different weapon each time.
Weapon Kata
Weapon Kata
Cost: 3+
Trainable: Yes
Description: This Talent may only be purchased by those who have learned a non-Basic Martial Art (such as Sanju), or who have learned a Combat Style that allows for a specific type of Weapon Kata, such as how Boxing uses the Cestus. When acquired, the character may pick a single specific Tiny melee or thrown weapon and use it with the unarmed skill that it is purchased for.
The Base Damage done by a normally unarmed attack using a Weapon Kata is increased by 3 points for melee attacks and by 2 points for attacks made using ranged weapons. Not every Weapon Kata will be usable with every Combat Move (GM’s Discretion). Also, Weapon Katas may not be used with any Basic Combat Moves.
The Features, included below, may be used to acquire a Weapon Kata for weapons that are larger than Tiny. This Talent may be acquired more than once, for a different weapon each time.
CP Cost
Small Weapon
Medium Weapon
Large Weapon
Huge Weapon
Weapon Specialty
Cost: 10
Trainable: Yes
Description: This Talent grants the character +2 bonus to the Base Damage dealt by a specific weapon for which the character has the Talent, Weapon Focus. This Talent may be acquired more than once, for a different weapon each time.