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Fantasy Express

Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

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Skill for finding any local source of potable water or edible plants and animals – includes basic food acquisition such as hunting, gathering or fishing. The difficulty depends on the environment; it should be easier in a temperate forest by a river than in the middle of a desert (The GM should assign a difficulty based on the terrain).

This skill also allows the character to find suitable shelter and to be able to perform common survival related tasks, such as starting a fire (without using flint and steel).

Stealth serves several purposes. Your character will use it for hiding, as well as for sneaking about quietly. In both instances, your character is using camouflage, shadows and cover to conceal his presence.

Additionally, if you are able to use stealth and approach another character without them realizing it, you may make a sneak attack. If you are able to make a sneak attack, gain 1 extra Boon Point. This sneak attack ability works with ranged attacks as well, but only for attacks that do not receive any modifiers for range.

Stealth serves several purposes. Your character will use it for hiding, as well as for sneaking about quietly. In both instances, your character is using camouflage, shadows and cover to conceal his presence.

Additionally, if you are able to use stealth and approach another character without them realizing it, you may make a sneak attack. If you are able to make a sneak attack, gain 1 extra Boon Point. This sneak attack ability works with ranged attacks as well, but only for attacks that do not receive any modifiers for range.

This skill must be learned separately for each School of Magic that the character has access to. It is the total skill bonus for this skill that is used to cast any spells from that School that he knows, as well as any Universal Spells that he may know. Each spell will have its own Target Number and each spell must be learned separately (a one time cost for each spell). The skill, Magecraft, is what is used to determine how many spells a character may know.

If a character does not have access to a School of Magic, this skill may be learned so that the character may cast Universal Spells. If the character later gains access to a School of Magic, this skill will then automatically be converted to being for that just acquired School of Magic.

If the character does have access to a School of Magic, then he may use this skill for both Universal Spells and spells from his School. A character will never normally have access to more than 2 Schools of Magic, thus should never have more than 2 instances of this skill. When the character does have more than one instance of this skill, Universal spells will always be cast using the Spellcasting skill with the highest bonus.

This skill uses the character’s Magic Stat (see the description of Prime Stats on p. 13) as the associated stat for this skill. For Clerics and Druids, this will be Wisdom, for Mystics it is Willpower, and for Mages, Wizards, and those who are not associated with a specific School of Magic the Magic Stat is Intelligence.

The character’s Spellcasting skill with the highest number of skill ranks is also used in determining how many Spell Points (see p. 19) a character has. The character receives 1 Spell Point for each rank (not total bonus) that he has in the Spellcasting skill with the most skill ranks.

This skill covers the ability to ride a mount. You do not need to roll this skill every round spent riding, only a single skill rank is necessary to ride normally; this skill need be rolled only when attempting something more exceptional than remaining in the saddle; like roping another animal while moving, controlling the mount in combat, controlling the mount when it has been frightened, having the mount jump, or climb steep slopes. Higher skill ranks enhance the chance of retaining control of the animal (when it is startled or hostile) or gaining control of an unfamiliar animal (of the type you have skill with).

Normally, only one instance of this skill is ever required since most mounts share a number of similar traits. However, it is recommended that land-based mounts and flying mounts (such as a winged horse or gryphon) be treated as separate skills and learned separately.

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