Jewelry has always been a favorite medium for imbedding magical abilities, specifically amulets and rings, but any type of jewelry can easily be used.
All jewelry has a base cost of 2,000 gp, and each spell or spell-like ability adds an additional +1,500 gp to the cost of the item. Each added ability is usable once per day, unless it is added multiple times. Abilities that work continuously add +5,000 gp to the cost of the item. Abilities that work at the will of the wearer add 7,500 to the cost of the item.
If the item is to give the wearer some sort of bonus to a skill or attribute, then each +1 adds +500 gp to the cost of the item if the bonus is for a skill or Save, +1,000 if it is for an attribute such as DEF, AR, Stats, etc. Bonuses do not require the additional costs for constant or “at will” abilities, as they are always constant. Any bonuses to Saves can be made to affect all Saves by doubling cost per point and adding +1,750 gp to the total cost of the item.
Sample Amulets, Rings & Jewelry
Here is a short list of examples that also include the cost breakdowns:
Amulet of Protection: This small amulet is formed of a single strand of a golden alloy that is worked into an intricate knot. This amulet provides a +2 modifier to all Saves that the character has to roll. (cost: 4,750 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,000 gp for +2 modifier to all Saves, +1,750 gp for applying the bonus to all saves)
Amulet of Trap Detection: This small amulet allows the wearer to magically search for traps up to 3 times a day. When activated, all traps within the wearer’s field of vision, for the next five minutes, will be surrounded with a light blue glow that is visible only to him. (cost: 6,500 gp — 2,000 gp base, +4,500 gp to detect traps up to 3 times a day)
Diadem of Sight: This is a slim silver headband with a diamond mounted in the center of the wearer’s forehead. The wearer is able to activate the magic of the diadem up to 3 times per day. When activated, the wearer is able to see a full 360 degrees around himself in all directions at once. This also grants a +5 modifier to all Perception rolls, and the character cannot be surprised. This lasts for 10 minutes before wearing off. If the ability is activated more than one in any given hour, the wearer must make a Save vs. Con (TN 18) or he will go blind from the strain placed on his eyes. (cost: 8,500 gp — 2,000 gp base, +4,500 gp for all around vision 3 times a day, +2,500 for the +5 to Perception, +1,000 for the ‘unable to surprise’ ability, -1,500 gp for the limitation of no more than once per hour).
Headband of the Mystic: This thin band of silver protects the wearer as if it were a plate helm. However, it has no Impedance or other negative modifiers. (cost: 5,000 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,500 gp for protecting as a plate helm, +1500 gp for having no negative modifiers)
Necklace of Protection from Spirits: This necklace prevents spirits from approaching within 5’ of its wearer.(cost: 8,500 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,500 gp to prevent spirits from entering a 5' radius, +5,000 to make this a continuous ability)
Ring of Demon Summoning: This ornate silver ring allows the wearer to summon a Demon once per day. Rings of this type will vary in regards to the power of the Demon that is summoned, but each ring only summons one singular Demon, and always that Demon. The wearer does not have to use a Circle of Protection and Thaumaturgic Triangle as detailed on p. 82, but he is still required to forge a pact with the summoned demon as per normal. Once a pact has been sealed, the Demon will serve the wearer faithfully for as long as he has the ring. However, should the Demon ever be slain upon the mortal plane, the ring will forever lose its magic. (cost: 5,000 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,500 gp for summoning a Demon once a day, +1,500 gp for magically creating the required Circle of Protection and Thaumaturgic Triangle)
Ring of Devil Summoning: This ornate silver ring allows the wearer to summon a Devil once per day. Rings of this type will vary in regards to the power of the Devil that is summoned, but each ring only summons one singular Devil, and always that Devil. The wearer does not have to use a Circle of Protection and Thaumaturgic Triangle as detailed on p. 82, but he is still required to forge a pact with the summoned demon as per normal. Once a pact has been sealed, the Devil will serve the wearer faithfully for as long as he has the ring. However, should the Devil ever be slain upon the mortal plane, the ring will forever lose its magic. (cost: 5,000 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,500 gp for summoning a Devil once a day, +1,500 gp for magically creating the required Circle of Protection and Thaumaturgic Triangle)
Ring of Flying: Allows the wearer to fly at a speed of 10’ per Action Point during a combat round, or up to speeds of 50 miles per hour outside of combat. (cost: 3,500 gp — 2,000 gp base, +1,500 gp for the ability to fly)
The Necklace of Protection from Spirits is missing its cost breakdown in the book. It has been added here as errata.
Spell users are renowned for utilizing wands, rods, and staves as magical items and as an aid in casting their spells. Therefore, a discussion of magical items would not be complete without them. When using or activating one of these devices, the wielder will use his [[Magecraft]] skill bonus if a roll is required.
These can be enchanted with spells or spell-like abilities. Each spell or spell-like ability adds 1,500 to the cost of the device. Double this cost if the spell has a Spell Point cost greater than 3.
Each device can hold a maximum of 50 charges normally. Recharging a depleted item requires a [[Magecraft]] roll (TN 30), and recharging a device depletes the person who charged it of Spell Points for one full day (i.e. the person who recharges a charged device will start regaining Spell Points normally 24 hours after the device was charged).
For rods and staves, the creator of the item may exchange 5 charges to make an ability work once per day, 10 charges to make an ability work twice a day and 15 charges to make it work up to three times a day. This exchange adds 1,000 gp to the cost of the device for each “per day” usage.
All three types of devices can be enchanted with up to a maximum of a +3 bonus to spell casting. Each +1 adds 500 gp to the cost. Each +1 also reduces the maximum number of charges by 10.
Rods and Staves can also be enchanted with combat oriented abilities. Each such enchantment also reduces the maximum number of charges that the device can hold by 10. Multiple bonuses to accuracy count as one enchantment, as does multiple bonuses to damage.
Wands: Wands are small sticks, between 8” and 16” in length. They are often slender, being less than half an inch in diameter. Wands cannot be used as weapons in combat. However, they can be used as an aid in casting spells, especially if they have been enchanted for such. Wands have a base cost of 500 gp.
Rods: Rods are small staves that are about 2’ in length and about 1” in thickness. Some have sturdy and possibly ornate heads upon their tops. They can be used as weapons, like a baton if they do not have a head piece and like a mace if they do. Rods will have a base cost of 1,000 gp.
Staves: Staves are the largest of the three, being 6’ in length on average and up to 2” in thickness, and like the rod, may be used as a weapon in addition to a magical item. All magical staves will have a base cost of 1500 gp.
Sample Staves, Rods & Wands
Here is a short list of examples that also include the cost
Arcane Bolt Wand: This thin wand of ornately carved oak fires an Arcane Bolt (CTN: 15, Dam: 2) as per the spell. It has 50 charges. (cost: 2,000 gp — 500 gp base, +1,500 gp for the spell)
Fire Staff: This stave is made from a reddish wood that is covered with sigils that are seemingly burned into it. It functions as a normal quarterstaff with a +3 bonus to accuracy. For the cost of 1 charge, one end of the staff will burst into flame (treat as torch for the amount of light it gives off) for up to 10 minutes. When striking with the lit end of the staff it will do +3 points of Fire damage in addition to its normal damage. Additionally, the wielder may expend a charge to shoot a bolt of fire (treat as Eldritch Fire, Dam: 2+ Wis bonus) from the staff (it need not be lit at the time) at a foe. The staff also grants a +2 bonus to casting all fire-related spells. The staff has 10 charges, and it regains 1 charge for each hour that its magic is not used. (cost: 7,300 gp — 1,500 gp base, +900 gp for +3 accuracy, +1,000 for fire damage, +900 gp for +3 damage from the fire, +1,500 for tip igniting into flame, +1,500 for Eldritch Fire spell)
Rod of Smiting: This is a small metal rod with a steel ball attached to the end. It strikes as a Mace and has a +3 modifier to both accuracy and damage. It may also be used to cast Conjure Missiles and Mage Armor at a cost of 1 charge each. It has 30 charges. (cost: 5,800 gp — 1,000 gp base, +900 gp for +3 to accuracy, +900 gp for +3 to damage, +1,500 for Conjure Missiles, +1,500 for Mage Armor)
Wand of Casting: This slender, plain wand of ash wood grants a +3 bonus to all spell casting. When found, a spell user may, after possessing the wand for 24 hours, cast any one known spell, that has a Spell Point cost of 3 or less, into the Wand and the caster will be able to use the wand to cast that spell for free up to 3 times a day. This spell only works for the caster who puts it into the wand. If the wand is out of the possession of the caster for more than 24 hours, the wand loses that spell, and it must be cast into the wand again. (cost: 7,500 gp — 500 gp base, 1,500 gp for +3 to casting, +1,000 gp for ability to store a spell, +1,500 gp for the spell to be stored, +3,000 gp for 3 times a day)
There are two primary methods of enchanting weapons and armor.
Orichalcum Items
The first is to create the item using an alchemical substance known as Orichalcum. Using Orichalcum, weapons gain from a +1 to a +3 bonus, to both accuracy (i.e. the wielder’s Attack Bonus) and to the amount of Base Damage that they deal. For armor, this substance can provide a +1 to +3 to both its Armor Rating and to the DEF of the person wearing or wielding it.
Orichalcum is created in small golden bronze ingots which are then used to create weapons and armor. Items made using Orichalcum cannot receive any bonuses from permanent enchantments, although they can receive other enchantments. Items made with Orichalcum cannot have greater than a +3 bonus ever.
Items made from Orichalcum cost 500 gp for each ingot of Orichalcum required in its making. Here is a short list that provides some guidelines on pricing:
Dagger: 500 gp per +1
Swords, Axes, Spears, Staves, and Rods: 1,000 gp per +1
Arrows, Crossbow Bolts, Sling Stones: 500 gp for every 10 +1 missiles
Shields: 750 gp for each +1
Armor (full suit of any metal type): 3,500 gp per +1
Enchanted Items
Items that are magically enchanted with bonuses have a cost of 300 gp per +1 bonus, and unlike items made with Orichalcum, the bonuses only apply to a single aspect of the item; either accuracy or Base Damage for weapons and either DEF or Armor Rating for Armor. However, items can be enchanted with bonuses for both, and each may have up to a maximum magical bonus of +5.
These items also usually cost an extra 1,000 gp for each ability that the item has that is associated with the primary purpose of the item. Unassociated abilities, such as separate scaling for additional Base Damage, will cost 2,000 gp per ability.
Each item will also have a base cost associated with. This base cost is 250 gp for each foot of length that the weapon has (rounded up). Armor has a base cost of 250 gp for point of Armor Rating that a non-magical version of that armor has. Helms, Bracers and Greaves have a base cost of 100 gp if they are made of Soft Leather, 200 gp if made of Reinforced Leather, and 300 gp if made of metal. Full suits of armor (includes armor, helms, braceers, and greaves) have a base cost of 400 gp per each non-magical point of Armor Rating that it provides its wearer.
Therefore, the actual cost of a weapon or armor is its base cost, plus the cost of any magical bonuses plus the cost of any other abilities.
Sample Weapons & Armor
Here is a short list of examples that also include the cost breakdowns showing how the price was derived:
Bracers of Defense: Soft leather bracers, DEF 3, AR 1 (cost: 1,000 gp — 100 gp base, 900gp for magical +3 to DEF)
Bracers of Defense: Metal bracers, DEF 5, AR 5 (cost: 3,000 gp — 300 gp base, 2,700 gp for magical +5 to DEF, magical +4 AR)
Dagger of Returning: Orichalcum dagger has +1 to both accuracy and damage. It teleports back to the thrower’s hand at the beginning of the round after it was thrown. (cost: 2,750 gp — 250 gp base, +500 gp for the Orichalcum enhancement, +2,000 to teleport back to thrower’s hand)
Dancing Sword: This is a magical broadsword that will float and fight of its own volition when drawn and thrown into the air. A Dancing Sword will fight for up to a maximum 2 rounds per level of its wielder each day, and the rounds need not be consecutive. It has the same attack bonus as the wielder, and it may only attack once per round. (cost: 4,000 gp — 1,000 gp base, +1,000 gp to use the wielder’s attack bonus, +2,000 gp to fly/dance)
Dragonscale Armor: Full suit, including helm, bracers, and greaves, of reinforced leather armor made from the hide and scales of a dragon. It protects as full plate (DEF +2, AR 12), but only encumbers as reinforced leather (Pen -2, Imp 4). The wearer of such a suit is also completely immune to the breath weapon of Dragons of the same type that the armor was made from. However, any Dragon seeing a person wearing such a suit of armor would be so enraged that he would attack that person without mercy. (cost: 5,900 gp — 2,800 gp base for reinforced leather, +1,000 gp for immunity to the Dragon’s breath weapon, +2,100 gp for +2 DEF and +5 AR)
Firebow: Longbow that causes any arrows fired from it to burst into flame doing an additional +3 Fire damage along with the normal base damage. The fire damage also scales separately from the normal arrow damage (i.e. does double normal Scaled Damage, half from fire, half from the arrow, AR is applied against the arrow damage and fire damage separately). (cost: 5,400 gp — 1500 gp base, +1,000 for fire damage, +900 gp for +3 damage from the fire, +2,000 gp for fire damage scaling)
Frostbow: Longbow that causes any arrows fired from it become super cold doing an additional +5 Cold damage along with the normal base damage. The cold damage does not scale separately. (cost: 4,000 gp — 1500 gp base, +1000 gp for the cold damage, +1,500 gp for +5 damage from the cold)
Holy Sword: +2 accuracy; deals double damage to Demons, Devils, and Undead. The double damage applies only when the Holy Sword is wielded by Clerics or Paladins of “good” deities. In the hands of all others, it is simply a sword with a +2 modifier to the wielder’s attack bonus. (cost: 3,850 gp — 1,000 gp base, +600 gp for the +2 accuracy, +3,000 for double damage to Demons, Devils & Undead, -750 gp for the double damage being limited to Cleric & Paladins)
Shield of Belnus: This 2’ diameter round shield of polished steel was made to honor Belnus, the god of the Sun. It is a normal shield with a +2 magical bonus (total of +5 to DEF). Its face is inscribed with a stylized sun symbol. If the wielder of the shield holds it forth towards a Demon, Devil, or Undead creature, as if he were brandishing a Holy Symbol, the creature must make a Save as if the shield actually were a Holy Symbol. (cost: 3,100 gp — 500 gp base, +600 gp for the +2 bonus to DEF, +2,000 gp for the Holy Symbol capability)
Scrolls are parchments that contain from 1 to 5 spells inscribed upon them. As each spell is cast from the scroll, it fades from the parchment. Any form of paper may be used in making a scroll, but it requires the use of magical inks and a Magecraft: Runes roll with a TN equal to the Casting TN of the spell +10. The magical inks required to inscribe a scroll cost a minimum of 500 gp for enough ink to inscribe 7 spells. The magical inks do not come in smaller amounts.
Deciphering a scroll requires a base Magecraft skill roll with a TN equal to 15 + the number of Spell Points used in normally casting the spell. If a scroll has multiple spells on it, each spell must be deciphered separately. Failure to decipher a spell means that the character cannot attempt to do so again until he gains more ranks in his base Magecraft skill.
Using a scroll requires that the character make a Magecraft skill roll, with the TN being equal to the Casting TN of the spell being read off of the scroll. Reading spells off of scrolls does not require the character to expend any Spell Points.
Scrolls normally sell for 100 gp per spell contained on the scroll. Rarer spells may go for more occasionally.
These are fluid mixtures that grant the drinker magical or spell-like abilities. Potions last for 40 + 2d10 minutes unless the description says otherwise. The exception to this are Healing potions, their effects are permanent since they are only restoring the body to its normal, healthy state. Potions normally cost 200 gp per dose, unless the description says otherwise.
For some potions, the drinker is able to use the effect of the potion against others. When drinking this type of potion, the drinker first makes a Save vs. Will. For every 5 points above the base Save of 15 that his roll is, the people targeted by the effects of the potion have the TN of their Save increased by 2 points.
Aquatic Potion: Drinker is able to breathe underwater and is able swim at double his normal movement rate. Cost: 250 gp
Charisma: Drinker’s Charisma stat is raised 10 points for the duration. This may allow him to exceed his normal racial maximums.
Cure Insanity: Drinker is immediately cured of one form of insanity.
Cursed (Reversed) Potions: These potions detect and are identified as if they were a beneficial potion of some type. When drank, the potion has the opposite effect as what it seemed to be. For example, a Cursed Potion of Longevity would age the drinker 10 years. If the Potion is actually cursed, as opposed to just reversed, the effects last until the curse is removed.
Darkvision: Drinker gains Darkvision, as per the Talent, for the duration.
Detect Danger: This allows the drinker to know if anything within a 100’ radius can and/or will hurt or is a danger to him (within the next 5 rounds). The drinker will know the general direction and distance of the danger, but not its exact nature. For example, the drinker approaches a trapped door. As he approaches, he will sense a mild warning. If he decides to attempt to open the door, his sense of impending danger will increase dramatically.
Detect Invisibility: For the duration, all invisible beings or items are outlined in a faint, but easily discernible blue glow.
Detect Magic: For the duration, all magical items or items that have active spells on them are outlined in a faint, but easily discernible blue glow.
Emotional Influence: Drinker is able to invoke an emotional response of sympathy, antipathy, apathy, anger, happiness, etc. in up to 10 individuals within a 20’ radius. Each person gets to make a Save vs. Will against this manipulation.
ESP: Drinker is able to read the thoughts of any one target within 20’ radius. The target gets to make a Save vs. Will against this.
Free Action: Drinker is able to move as his normal speed through mud, water, or any form of entanglement, including magical forms.
Flying: The drinker is able to fly at a speed equal to their normal movement rate.
Gaseous Form: The drinker is able to transform his natural form, including all equipment carried, from normal into a gaseous form. The gaseous form is the same color(s) as the character was before the change and it can move at a rate of 1’ per Action Point spent. It takes one full round to make the transformation from gaseous to solid. The drinker may change forms only once every 5 minutes, and he will return to solid form at the end of the duration.
Growth: Drinker grows to double his normal size. This increases his weight by 8 times. The drinker gains a +3 modifier to their Strength stat bonus, a -2 modifier to their DEF, and their movement rate is doubled for the duration.
Haste: Drinker gains 5 extra Action Points for each of 3 rounds. The drinker may start those 3 rounds at any time within the duration of the potion, but once started, all 3 rounds must be taken all at once.
Heroism: Character’s Strength, Willpower, Dexterity and Speed are increased to their racial maximums (20 + racial modifiers) for the durations.
Jumping: Character is able to jump up to 50’ horizontally or 30’ vertically. He may only make one jump, but it can be made at any time within the duration.
Longevity: Drinker’s age is permanently reduced by 10 years. This effectively increases his lifespan by the same amount. Magic Resistance: Drinker gains a +4 modifier to all Saves against magical effects and spells for the duration.
Major Healing: Drinker is immediately healed of 20 + 2d10 hits of damage of any type.
Minor Healing: Drinker is immediately healed of 10 + 1d10 hits of damage of any type.
Nightvision: Drinker is granted Nightvision, as per the Talent description (not Greater Nightvision) for the duration.
Ogre Strength: Temporarily increases the drinker’s Strength stat to 22 for the duration. This may allow the drinker to temporarily exceed his racial maximum for that stat.
Potion of Control: This powerful potion gives the drinker the ability to “charm” or control up to 5 creatures or beings of any single type. Controlled creatures will follow the drinker’s commands and serve him until the duration expires and then they will be very “hostile” towards their former “master”. While this potion can be created for any type of creature, if the creature has an Intelligence of 10 or greater, it will receive a Save vs. Will against this potion.
Note: One of the ingredients that this potion requires is a portion of the same type of creature that it will control. For example, a potion of Dragon Control requires Dragon blood, etc.
Protection from Evil: Drinker is protected against attacks from summoned or evoked creatures and beings from the Abyss or the Nine Hells.
Regeneration: Drinker regenerates 1 hit per round for the duration. Also, any lost limbs or organs will be restored over the course of 10 to 30 minutes, depending upon the severity.
Shrinking: Drinker shrinks to one half his normal height and his weight is 1/8 normal. He receives a -3 modifier to his strength stat bonus and +2 modifier to his DEF. Drinker’s normal movement rate is also halved (rounded up) for the duration.
Speed: Temporarily increases the drinker’s Speed stat by 10 points. This may allow the drinker to temporarily exceed his racial maximum for that stat.
Spider Climb: Drinker is able to cling to walls and ceilings for the duration. Movement rate is one half of their normal movement rate.
Stealth: Drinker gains a bonus of 5 + 1d10 to their Stealth skill.
Stone to Flesh: This potion is poured over a person who has been turned to stone. It will restore them to their normal flesh.
Traceless Passing: Drinker is able to pass through any terrain without leaving any sign or trace of their passage.
Water Breathing: Drinker is able to breathe water or air for the duration.