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Fantasy Express

Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

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Lvl: 50 Hits: 507 Move: 20’; 25’ flight
DEF: 28 AR: 25  
Attacks: 59 Claws (31); 59 Bite (31); 58 Breath (30)
Stats: Chr: 20(3)/8; Con: 26(5)/10; Dex: 10(0)/5;
  Int: 27(5)/10; Spd: 15(1)/6; Str: 37(9)/14;
  Will: 30(6)/11; Wis: 28(6)/11
Skills: Perc. (41); Stealth (17); Tracking (41)
Size: 50’+ long; 4500-6000 lbs; 1101+ years old
# Enc: 1


  • Sense Magic by scent (range: 50’)
  • Greater Nightvision (as per the Talent)
  • Immune to sleep and paralysis effects
  • See Invisible within 60’
  • Breath Weapon: cone 50’, 25’ at far end or line 5’ wide, 60’ long; usable once per minute, no more than 11 times per day


Dragons are great reptiles, reaching lengths of 50’ or more at their oldest. They are covered in thick, scaly hide and many dragons also sport horns, spikes, and even a row or two of ridges that run from the base of their head to the tips of their tails. They have four limbs and a set of wings that can fold flat against their back.

Dragons are usually generally uniform in color along their sides and backs, with lighter coloration on their underside. A Dragon’s color often has a correlation to the type of breath weapon that the dragon wields. Dragons of a specific color also often have other abilities that are tied to their color in addition to the abilities that all Dragons have. Here is a list of the different types of Dragons and their color-based abilities:

Gold Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Fire (cone or line, Dragon’s choice)
  • Shape Change: Once per day per age (i.e. Young may shape change 2x per day, Adult 3x, etc.)
  • Primary School of Magic: High Magic

Silver Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Lightning (line)
  • Primary School of Magic: Mysticism

Bronze Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Fire (cone or line, Dragon’s choice)
  • Primary School of Magic: Wizardry

Black Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Acid (line), does half the listed damage each round for 1-10 rounds unless washed off using water
  • Primary School of Magic: Black Magic

Blue Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Lightning (line)
  • Primary School of Magic: Wizardry

Green Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Acid (line), does half the listed damage each round for 1-10 rounds unless washed off using water
  • Primary School of Magic: Nature Magic

Red Dragon

  • Breath Weapon: Fire (cone)
  • Primary School of Magic: High Magic

White Dragons

  • Breath Weapon: Frost (cone), use half listed damage, victims must Save vs. Con or take 1 hit (for every 5 hits of initial damage dealt) each round due to Frostbite. TN is increased by 1 for every 3 points above victim’s DEF the attack roll was.
  • Primary School of Magic: High Magic

All Dragons have a number of abilities in common. They all can sense magical items by scent, if the item is within range. They all have Greater Nightvision and can see invisible creatures that are within range. Dragons are also immune to all effects that cause sleep or paralysis, regardless of the source.


Lvl: 3 Hits: 56 Move: 5’; 10’ flight
DEF: 19 AR: 10  
Attacks: 12 Claws (8); 12 Tail (7)*
Stats: Chr: 3(-3)/2; Con: 21(3)/8; Dex: 19(3)/8;
  Int: 14(1)/6; Spd: 16(2)/7; Str: 9(-1)/4;
  Will: 7(-1)/4; Wis: 18(2)/7
Skills: Perc. (7); Stealth (10); Tracking (7)
Size: 2’-3’ tall; 30-40 lbs
# Enc: 1-4


  • Invisibility
  • Sense Magic by sight (range: 20’)
  • Regeneration (1 hit per hour)
  • Shape change: any small animal, 1x day
  • Poison*: Deals 1-5 (roll d10/2, rounded up) damage for each of 1-10 rounds. Save vs. Con for 1/2 damage.

Imps have tough leathery skin and small, but functional bat-like wings. They have slightly bulbous heads with long pointy ears and sinister facial features. Their bodies are often covered with tiny barbs and spikes, and their hands and feet end in wicked, razor sharp claws. And to top it all off, they have long, thin, prehensile tail that ends in a barbed stinger that has potent venom.

Imps are prized as superior familiars because they are among the most versatile of the lesser Devils. They can fly, and turn invisible at will (they turn visible when making attacks). Once per day, they can shape change into any small animal that does not exceed 3’ in either height or length. They can sense magic with a normal Perception roll at ranges of up to 20’ and they regenerate 1 hit worth of damage each hour.

Some Imps even know how to use weapons that have been scaled down to their size (does 1 point less damage than Halfling sized weapons).

The Imp can also, no more than once per month, provide its master with the given name of any one lesser Devil. However, they cannot provide the names of greater Devils like Alastors and Grimalkin can.

Lvl: 6 Hits: 71 Move: 10’
DEF: 20 AR: 10  
Attacks: 17 Claws (9)
Stats: Chr: 4(-2)/3; Con: 19(3)/8; Dex: 15(1)/6;
  Int: 10(0)/5; Spd: 16(2)/7; Str: 17(2)/7;
  Will: 10(0)/5; Wis: 16(2)/7
Skills: Perc. (10); Stealth (9); Tracking (20)
Size: 4’-6’; 130-200 lbs
# Enc: 1-10

Garun are bat-like humanoid creatures with large, flat noses and sharp claws. They have no wings, and their arms end in wicked claws. Garun are excellent trackers and hunters, able to trace prey over long distances and extremely adverse conditions.

When summoned, Garun will only perform services that involve the hunting of prey, or fighting a Demon, which it will do gladly. Any other commands will be met with the Garun attempting its best to twist the command in some fashion.

Garun make up the bulk of devilish armies much like Goatmen make up the bulk of demonic armies. However, the Garun are much more disciplined and willing to fight for more powerful Devils, and don’t require the same sort of oversight that Goatmen require.

Lvl: 3 Hits: 24 Move: 10’
DEF: 21 AR:  
Attacks: 12 Claws (8)
Stats: Chr: 10(0)/5; Con: 10(0)/5; Dex: 15(1)/6;
  Int: 15(1)/6; Spd: 18(2)/7; Str: 6(-2)/3;
  Will: 7(-1)/7; Wis: 18(2)/7
Skills: Perc. (7); Stealth (8); Tracking (17)
Size: 2’-3’ long; 15-20 lbs
# Enc: 1


  • Sense Magic by scent (range: 10’)
  • Regenerate (1 hit per minute)
  • Shape change: hag (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • Speak in tongues (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • Speak with animals (1x per day; 1 hr)
  • +15 to Stealth in darkness (not figured in)
  • Greater Nightvision (as per the Talent)

Grimalkin are sometimes known as Shadow Cats because their normal form is that of a large black cat. This creature’s form is so dark, that it gets a huge bonus to Stealth attempts in darkness. This makes them excellent spies.

The Grimalkin has a number of other abilities as well. It can sense magic by smell at ranges up to 10’ and it regenerates 1 hit worth of damage every minute. It can also see extraordinarily well in darkness. Additionally, it has a few other abilities that it can used once per day, for up to an hour. This include the ability to shape change into an old hag, the ability to Speak in Tongues (i.e. speak any language), and the ability to speak to any animal.

Grimalkin are highly prized as familiars because, unlike Alastor, a Grimalkin will never cause problems for their masters. They are of the belief that their own presence is enough of a predilection towards evil, regardless of what they profess.

Like the Alastor, the Grimalkin may, no more than once per month, reveal the given name of any one lesser or greater Devil.

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