Spell users are renowned for utilizing wands, rods, and staves as magical items and as an aid in casting their spells. Therefore, a discussion of magical items would not be complete without them. When using or activating one of these devices, the wielder will use his [[Magecraft]] skill bonus if a roll is required.
These can be enchanted with spells or spell-like abilities. Each spell or spell-like ability adds 1,500 to the cost of the device. Double this cost if the spell has a Spell Point cost greater than 3.
Each device can hold a maximum of 50 charges normally. Recharging a depleted item requires a [[Magecraft]] roll (TN 30), and recharging a device depletes the person who charged it of Spell Points for one full day (i.e. the person who recharges a charged device will start regaining Spell Points normally 24 hours after the device was charged).
For rods and staves, the creator of the item may exchange 5 charges to make an ability work once per day, 10 charges to make an ability work twice a day and 15 charges to make it work up to three times a day. This exchange adds 1,000 gp to the cost of the device for each “per day” usage.
All three types of devices can be enchanted with up to a maximum of a +3 bonus to spell casting. Each +1 adds 500 gp to the cost. Each +1 also reduces the maximum number of charges by 10.
Rods and Staves can also be enchanted with combat oriented abilities. Each such enchantment also reduces the maximum number of charges that the device can hold by 10. Multiple bonuses to accuracy count as one enchantment, as does multiple bonuses to damage.
Wands: Wands are small sticks, between 8” and 16” in length. They are often slender, being less than half an inch in diameter. Wands cannot be used as weapons in combat. However, they can be used as an aid in casting spells, especially if they have been enchanted for such. Wands have a base cost of 500 gp.
Rods: Rods are small staves that are about 2’ in length and about 1” in thickness. Some have sturdy and possibly ornate heads upon their tops. They can be used as weapons, like a baton if they do not have a head piece and like a mace if they do. Rods will have a base cost of 1,000 gp.
Staves: Staves are the largest of the three, being 6’ in length on average and up to 2” in thickness, and like the rod, may be used as a weapon in addition to a magical item. All magical staves will have a base cost of 1500 gp.
Sample Staves, Rods & Wands
Here is a short list of examples that also include the cost
Arcane Bolt Wand: This thin wand of ornately carved oak fires an Arcane Bolt (CTN: 15, Dam: 2) as per the spell. It has 50 charges. (cost: 2,000 gp — 500 gp base, +1,500 gp for the spell)
Fire Staff: This stave is made from a reddish wood that is covered with sigils that are seemingly burned into it. It functions as a normal quarterstaff with a +3 bonus to accuracy. For the cost of 1 charge, one end of the staff will burst into flame (treat as torch for the amount of light it gives off) for up to 10 minutes. When striking with the lit end of the staff it will do +3 points of Fire damage in addition to its normal damage. Additionally, the wielder may expend a charge to shoot a bolt of fire (treat as Eldritch Fire, Dam: 2+ Wis bonus) from the staff (it need not be lit at the time) at a foe. The staff also grants a +2 bonus to casting all fire-related spells. The staff has 10 charges, and it regains 1 charge for each hour that its magic is not used. (cost: 7,300 gp — 1,500 gp base, +900 gp for +3 accuracy, +1,000 for fire damage, +900 gp for +3 damage from the fire, +1,500 for tip igniting into flame, +1,500 for Eldritch Fire spell)
Rod of Smiting: This is a small metal rod with a steel ball attached to the end. It strikes as a Mace and has a +3 modifier to both accuracy and damage. It may also be used to cast Conjure Missiles and Mage Armor at a cost of 1 charge each. It has 30 charges. (cost: 5,800 gp — 1,000 gp base, +900 gp for +3 to accuracy, +900 gp for +3 to damage, +1,500 for Conjure Missiles, +1,500 for Mage Armor)
Wand of Casting: This slender, plain wand of ash wood grants a +3 bonus to all spell casting. When found, a spell user may, after possessing the wand for 24 hours, cast any one known spell, that has a Spell Point cost of 3 or less, into the Wand and the caster will be able to use the wand to cast that spell for free up to 3 times a day. This spell only works for the caster who puts it into the wand. If the wand is out of the possession of the caster for more than 24 hours, the wand loses that spell, and it must be cast into the wand again. (cost: 7,500 gp — 500 gp base, 1,500 gp for +3 to casting, +1,000 gp for ability to store a spell, +1,500 gp for the spell to be stored, +3,000 gp for 3 times a day)