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Offline Rasyr

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Anwyn Overview
« on: January 12, 2022, 07:04:53 AM »

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Anwyn is basically a small continent about half the size of Australia. It is divided into 7 major regions. The inhabitants of Anwyn have only been there for about 150-ish years.

  • Tir Tuath - Land of the People
    This is the most populated region of Anwyn.

    • Cymbri - The larger of the two Human nations. The people call themselves the D'Anui. The majority of its people come from a Celtic-like culture, though quite a few come from other Human cultures who were also transported to Anwyn at the same time. 

    • Utara  - This Human nation is populated by the Zhuan, an asiatic people and culture. It is separated from the rest of Tir Tuath by Bryni Weall (Wall of Hills).

    • Chorak - This small nation is people by the Dvargr, sometimes referred to as Mountain Dwarves. They have 2 major cities. They are currently in negotiations with the Odavi for the rights to create cities/mines in the mountains on the northern borders of Xondaz.

    • Aelftyr - This land was originally settled by both the Sylvari (High Elves) and the Verdyri (Wood Elves). It was the Sylvari who formed the first Council of the Races which helped form the bonds and treaties that created the current political climate. A few decades later, the Sylvari sailed to the west. And created a separate homeland for themselves Tir Hoige. Many Verdyri went with them, but the majority stayed in Aelftyr. 

    • Duin Weald  - This was the first home in Anwyn of the Aeshi, who are sometimes called Dwelfs or Scathlings (Shadowlings).  They are a small race that seem to appear like a cross between Dwarves and Elves, but not actually related to either. They are a fierce people, and dislike outsiders in their homes, so tend to deal with them only in specific locations, usually on the edges of their lands, or outside it completely

    • Ethori City-States - Populated by the gnommish Ethori, a small race of tinkers who have created many unusual devices. Their underground cities also double as mines and workshops for experimentation. There are 3 known City-states, but it is possible that they have other, smaller communities scattered about.
    • Hyb Ciuin - This is a stand-alone city-state sponsored by all the races. It located on the northern shore of Gul Bro'in, the Bay of Sorrows. It serves as a gateway to Ilthach, Tuist Rhion, and Easker Archia.

  • Tir Caledi - Land of Hardships
    • Xondaz - This land is populated by the semi-nomadic Odavi, called Orcs by some. They are a race of warriors. Their culture could be considered to be somewhat akin to the western plains Amer-Indian peoples. They serve as the primary guardians of Wybr Ghenfl (Monster Pass) from which comes creatures found in the Esker Highlands.

    • Canga Vytr - So named by the Odavi, its name also means Wraithwood. It is the home to the larger portion of the Aeshi. The forest was so named because of disemodied lights often seen in the fringes of the forest. The Aeshi have run with this and created a border guard that they have named the Treewraiths.

    • Mirrhyc - This is a trade town build upon a small island in the  middle of the Mirr Afon (Mirr River). It also serves as the home of the Caledi Guard. A group of fighter and rangers who patrol the lands between Mirrhyc and Wybr Ghenfl.

  • Tir Hoige - Land of Youth
    • Avel Lin - The name of this city means the Great Hall of Lore. It was founded by the Sylvari.  Many Verdyri also moved to Tir Hoige. A few decades after moving to Tir Hoige, group of Sylvari broke off due to idealogical reasons concerning experimentation with and research into magic. Their magic also affected them physically, and they have renamed themselves as the Yddari, the Grey Elves. They moved to the northernmost forest, Llydd Dwyg

  • Tir Pherygl - Land of Jeopardy
    • This land has no special features other than the fact that many creatures from the Esker Archia often filter down into these lowlands. This makes it a dangerous place simply from that fact that there is no standard ecology.

  • Esker Archia - Esker Highlands (also known as the Henge Plains)
    • These highlands are divided into about 12 different plains. It is covered in many different type of hanges, stone structures of monolithic size. You have circles, and archways and triliths and many different sizes and designs. These structures often serve as portals and gateways to other worlds. They also seem to have no rhyme or reason as to how they connect to other worlds.

      There was once a group of adventurers who went through a portal to another world. Three weeks later, they returned through the same portal on that other world, but showed up on Anwyn over 200 miles away and upon return to civilization discovered that 10 years had passed on Anwyn.

      Another group went through a portal to another world. After spending a dozen years on that other world, they found another portal, many hundreds of miles away from where they entered that world, that would lead them back to Anwyn. The came through a portal less than a mile from the one they used, and actually came into view of the portal they first used and watched their earlier selves enter that portal. They came back to Anwyn just before they had left Anwyn.

      Another feature of these portals is that they activate randomly, often bringing creatures and peoples from other worlds to  Anwyn with no way home. Sometimes whole groups have been transported. Anything is possible, from ancient giant lizard-like creatures called dinosaurs to metalic creatures and beings from some far future world. There are also ruins of buildings dotted across the landscape where some magical storm or something dropped whole sections of other worlds into Anwyn.

  • Tuist Rhion - The Star Crater
    • The lake at the center of this huge valley was formed after it was struck by the meteor that sundered it from its home world. Surrounding the lake are the Glittering Plains, so named because of the many crystals and that can be found. Many of these crystal were either formed from the meteor as it struck or fused from the sand and rock vaporized by teh strike. The Voyager's Guild has learned how to use these crystals to allow them to travel the Mother Roads of the oceans, so that they can guide ships from Anwyn to other worlds and back again. This has given rise to tales and legends in those worlds of Anwyn being called the Misty Isle because travel along the Mother Currents always seems to be accompanied by a misty veil that rises before the ships leave or arrive on those worlds.

      The land has areas of wild magic that make spell casting either more powerful or more dangerous. This magic has also changed many creatures of that area, producing unique creatures that, once they leave the Glittering Plains could possibly breed true.
  • Ilthach - Haunted Steppes
    • This is a land of cliffs and mesas and is almost always overcast due to its connections to the Ocher Realms. Places connected to undead on other worlds often fade into existance for a few weeks, only to fade away again as the connections ebb and flow. Undead sometimes leave those places while  they are attached to Anwyn as the overcast means that even the brightest day is only as bright as twilight in most other locations.

      To the south is the Demon's Run, a river in a deep canyon. Near its headwaters is a portal that rotates between the Nether Realms (also known as the Abyss, home of demons), and Hades (also known as the Nine Hells, home to devils). This portal occassionally spits out minor demons or devils, dropping them into the river, which is almost completely made of rapids for its entire length until it empties into the Brackenmire, a vast, dark swampland.

      Considering that Demons and Devils despise each other and are often at war with one another, this makes the Brackenmire an extremely dangerous place. A few creatures from both the Glittering Plains and the Esker Highlands have eventually made their way to the swamps, making it even more dangerous overall.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 08:32:31 AM by Rasyr »