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Author Topic: Welcome and Rules of Conduct  (Read 2558 times)

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Welcome and Rules of Conduct
« on: November 04, 2010, 06:57:32 PM »
Welcome to Firehawk Games!

We hope that you enjoy using the forums for all sorts of discussions. We will expand the forums and add new forums as circumstances dictate.

Rules of Conduct

We like to keep things simple here, including the ROC that needs to be followed:

  • No Trolling - There are many definitions as to what is or is not considered trolling. The shortest definition is "inciting somebody else to violate the rules of the forums through various methods". Now, these methods may be overt, or may be very subtle. It is even possible that a person can engage in trolling without realizing it. Forum Administrators and Moderators are the ones who decide what is or is not trolling.

  • Keep it civil -- This means no attacking a person, a place, a thing, a group or a company. There is a big difference between saying "I dislike xx" and saying "They are stupid". There are no visual clues to go on, so all that we have are the words that you type. It doesn't matter what your intent is, what matters is the words you used. We do believe that it is possible to discuss an issue, and disagree on it, all while being respectful of the other person and their opinions. Flame wars of any type will not be tolerated.

  • No arguing with Moderation -- The Moderators and Administrators on these forums are the ones who decide what is and is not a violation of the rules. they are not paid for their efforts in maintaining order.  Attempting to argue with the ruling of any Moderator or Administrator may result in being banned from the forums - starting at just a few days and working up to a permanent ban.

  • Note: All forum members are expected to respect and adhere to both the spirit AND the letter of the Rules of Conduct. I
