Hmm... The Impedance Reduction Talent costs 10 CP and is not Trainable, meaning that it is required to acquired during character generation.
The base abilities for a Paladin will likely be:
1) Semi Adept (10 CP)
2) Combat Training I (10 CP)
3) Medium Armor (6 CP)
for a total of 26 CP....
I have several options that I could follow here...
1) Include a new Talent that reduces the cost of Impedance Reduction and makes it trainable for the Paladin (allowing him to acquire it at any time), but I would also have to include a requirement that has a penalty if not performed (i.e. must pray for 10 minutes every morning, or receive a -4 to all spell casting attempts (or perhaps double impedance before the reduction) for the day -- i.e. his deity show displeasure for failure to perform properly). The net cost of this talent/penalty would have to be zero...
2) The same as above, but don't reduce the cost.....
3) Include ALL of the talents required to make a Paladin (including Heavy Armor and Impedance Reduction), but have these costs spread over several levels, and the Paladin cannot learn or cast spells until they are fully paid for.
The base abilities for a Paladin would be:
1) Semi Adept (10 CP)
2) Combat Training I (10 CP)
3) Heavy Armor (9 CP)
4) Impedance Reduction (10 CP)
Total Cost: 39 CP; 13 CP above average...
1) Paladin starts with only 17 CP to spend on skills/talents/etc. instead of 30 CP
2) Paladin starts with 30 CP as normal, but only gains 10 CP at 2nd Level, only gains 10 CP at 3rd level, and only gains 12 CP at 4th level, and once he reaches 4th level, the character is then allowed to start buying and casting spells.... (Epiphany!! In early versions of D&D, the Paladin wasn't able to use spells until around 4th level anyways -- hehe....)
Note: I prefer option #1 here...
Note that while the Paladin would be able to use Plate, he wouldn't actually be given any as part of his starting equipment (the most given is Reinforced Leather), but there is nothing to say that he cannot trade up to Chain, or Scale (paying the difference -- which has already be set as a precedent) before play begins.
As I just realized that the way I designed the class creation rules, that I could actually build stronger classes, and then offset them accordingly by removing CP from development
As for giving more spell points --- sorry, but I don't think so. If I gave them to one class, I would have to give them to all, and that would make major adepts a little too powerful, I think (besides, I don't want to make any more changes to the core rules).