Ok, so how does this look?
The pips inside the boxes are what every creature and being has. The ones outside the box are equal to the character's Con bonus. So that a character with a +3 con is a bit tougher than one with a +1 Con. This isn't a lot of difference on the bruised end of things, but can make a difference on the Mortal Wound side of things (note that there is a maximum allowed on that end and in this instance Mortal does not mean "will kill" but "can possibly kill outright"
Then for the Damage Thresholds, it would be something like this:
31+ Death (no Save)
26-30 Mortal Injury ----> Save vs. Con or Death
21-25 Critical Injury ----> Must Make Save vs. Will or Flee Battle
16-20 Injured ----> Must make Save vs. Will or Flee Battle
11-15 Stunned
6-10 Dazed
1-5 Bruised (no other effect)
The penalty to the left is applied if there is pip checked off inside the box, the penalty to the right is used if there is a pip checked outside the box or if the box is fully checked (in case of no pips outside the box. use only the highest penalty given (i.e. 2 Dazed and 1 Stun give a -3 penalty only)
If all of a given type of wound is marked off, then use the next more serious step. (i.e. if you have already marked off all of the Dazed pips, and receive another Dazed result, then you receive a Stun instead.
Healing -- each Wound level has its own healing rate -- first aid rolls can increase number of pips healed in the given time frame. bruising might need to be renamed "Fatigue" to reflect that it heals once you rest for a bit. Daze and Stun will both heal automatically at the end of the period (the round in which a wound is taken is not counted towards healing time).
This is still just a rough idea and may need further adjustments..