Ok, I had created a topic regarding thison the first forum I had set up the other day, before I found this one and discovered I could import the old SMF forums into it (recovering all those previous posts! Yay!!!!).
Witchking20k posted a file to that thread and if I had been smart, I would have downloaded it so that I could attach it over here.
But the basic idea here is to create 4-6 characters (possibly more), and then have a short, simple adventure for those characters to play through as a way of showing off the system.
There would be a small overview of the basic rules, and then in the text of the Adventure, we would use breakout boxes for any rules specific to a given situation/challenge in the adventure.
For example, the Adventurers come upon a locked door. There would be a breakout box for how to check for traps and one for picking the lock (maybe one for simply busting it open, since abilities will be based on the characters used), as well as for resolving the trap, in case it is set off and not disarmed....)