One of the rules in Novus says that you you are limited to no more than 1 rank in a skill for every 20 XP (or portion thereof) in the character.
A starting character is 100 XP, so that puts a cap of 5 ranks in any given skill.
But as I just discovered in attempting to make a character (Dwelf/Arboreal/Treewraith/Scout), you can end up with more than 5 ranks in a skill (this build ended with 6 ranks in Stealth and I have not yet purchased any skill ranks yet).
I figure that we have 2 options for correcting this:
- Leave it be -- just put a note that sometime package combinations can grant higher than normally allowed skill ranks , and that those skill simply cannot have ranks purchased in them until such time as their CP/XP Total is high enough to allow it. (in the above case, the character I am building would not be allowed to buy ranksĀ Stealth until he has 120+ points combined inĀ XP and also has the CP needed to purchase another rank in Stealth)
- Shift to another Favored Skill -- As it says, points above those allowed are shifted to a different Favored Skill, thus the +6 in Stealth becomes +5 and the point is moved to a different Favored Skill from the Training Package (limited to the Training Package since that is the lst package to be acquired, it is what would logically be adjusted, allowing the character to adjust their training accordingly.
Each has its positives and negative. Personally, while I do not like exceeding the limits, it is the simplest solution and the easiest to verify for those GMs who might have players who like to use
creative accounting when making characters
Thoughts? Comments?