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Author Topic: [Shek-P'var] Lyahvi  (Read 4318 times)

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[Shek-P'var] Lyahvi
« on: October 03, 2011, 03:31:02 PM »
Lyahvi (Lee - AH - vee)

Lyahvi is the magic of the insubstantial, invisible, ethereal, and illusory. Lyahvi mages manipulate light to illuminate, confuse, or hypnotize. The essence of Lyahvi is bright, sterile, and unliving. Gems, mirrors, and other items which relfect/refract light are used as foci.

Hue: Red

Element: Air

Essence: Light/Illusion/Etherealness

Stats: Willpower and Wisdom (in Harn, all spellcasting stats are dominated by Aura (i.e. Willpower) and one other stat (Eye in this case, which translates to Wisdom, the stat for Perception))

Specialties: Wind, Magnification, Visual Illusions, Ethereals

Potentially Favored Skills: Trickery, Craft(Glassmaking), Craft(Jewelcraft)

Harn Magic Spell List

  • Albarin's Field (I) - silence field generated by white noise
  • Aeric's Whisper (I) - speak, and far person hears
  • Cloak of Kalearin (II) - simple invisibility
  • Hlandor's Flash (II) - basic Flash spell
  • Globe of Setath (III) - hypnotic sphere of flashing colors -- variable results on Save
  • Prism of Gethan (III) - basic visual illusion spell
  • Entora's Mirror (IV) - projects a 2D image of an object to a distant location
  • Beam of Nolar (IV) - laser bolt (beam of light, moves as fast as arrow, that does fire damage)
  • Vapor of Hirin (VI) - blast willing target to atoms - will reform eventually (depending upon how well spell is cast) - target ceases to exist for duration
  • Mathlor's Charm (VII) - a spell to find, identify, summon, and control (requires Will contest) an ethereal entity



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[Shek-P'var] Lyahvi
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 02:20:22 PM »
Okay, this is the first post towards identifying appropriate Novus spells that should belong in this Convocation.

Please note that I am not trying to recreate the Harnic spells, I am simply trying to identify existing Novus spells that would fit within the Convocation (I will eventually be doing the same for the other Convocations as well.

Elemental Bolt (School of Wizardry -- Lightning Bolt form only)
Flash (Universal Spell)
Minor Illusion (School of High Magic)

Well, not much to begin with, but at least it is a start...

Please -- feel free to make other suggestions...