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Author Topic: Libram Novus #3  (Read 3126 times)

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Libram Novus #3
« on: September 15, 2011, 01:01:21 PM »
Well, now that version 0.6 of the Novus Open is complete, I cn now turn back to other projects.

The first project that I will be turning back to is Libram Novus #3. As detailed in this post - - Libram Novus #3 will contain rules for creating your own Classes, rules for playing Novus without the Classes (quite easily, actually), as well as more Talents (I have an initial list of between 50 and 60 talents, but it still needs refining), and the introduction of Flaws (and the latest Open Beta includes some changes that allows for the ideas discussed in the Developer's Blog post that I made.

I am hoping to have this done and ready to release within the next week or so (two weeks on the outside).

I am always open for suggestions for both this and any other projects that I am working on, so feel free toss them out there.


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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 04:15:37 PM »
Well, other things (i.e. real life ) have slowed me down a lot here, but I am back to work on it today, and so will be trying to get it finished as quickly as possible.

I will also likely get version 0.7 of the Open Beta ready to be released shortly after I release LN#3 (since I am making the Archery changes in this as well).


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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2011, 08:20:58 PM »
Well, it is finally finished and up for sale!!!

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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2011, 09:46:19 PM »
Great job there Rasyr, my next Paladin is in the starting block !
I do not have much time this evening and probably none within the next two days, but after a quick glance at LN3, I think the class design system is great and remains very simple. It makes my tinkering side feeling SO good.
I immediately read the fighter entry and discover that it lost the shield training, I think it's a good thing. The thief seems to be lacking its waylaying talent and is left with a meager 16 talent points. OTOH with the waylaying talent, it would have to let down either armor training 1 or favored skill to respect the 24-26 CP cost.
The talent section will improve the creation options greatly. I notice that you made a good number of attractive non-learnable talents and I think it a good idea. I also have the feeling that some of the talents are learnable in sequence. I haven't time enough at the moment to read it thouroughly, but this has a distinct DnDish feel to me (focused defense, mobile defense, spring attack). Just reading them makes me remember (fondly) my Neverwinter Nights adventures...
Congratulations to you for this new opus of LN and now... back to work on v0.7 please 


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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2011, 10:12:00 PM »
Thief -- fixed both his point cost and added Waylaying in (somehow it got misplaced...) - You can go get the fixed PDF now

Some of the talents were inspired by that d20, but there are very few "Feat trees" as it were in Novus. There are a number of Talents that have a prerequisite, that usually being another Talent.

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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 08:04:47 PM »
Some talents with prerequisites are all right but should remain marginal IMHO. The concept of "if I want to be able to do X, I have to buy Y, Z, T and R, and this define my development plan for the next  5 levels" feels definitively 2d20ish and is not something to which I adher.
Then again, I haven't read thouroghly the new talents yet so it was just a first impression after a quick glance at the talents name.
I am impatient to try a few new classes this WE.


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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 10:00:22 PM »
IIRC, the prerequisite trees only go 3 levels at most, with the majority only having 1 individual prerequisite..

Here is the list I just compiled (doesn't include the Talents from the core rules):

Dual Weapon Kata (requires both weapons to already be kata weapons)
Far Ranging (requires Archery)
Hammerhand (requires Adv. MA Training)
Many Shot (requires Archery)
Mobile Defense (requires Focused Defense)
Mounted Archery (requires Archery)
Paired Weapon Kata (requires the weapons already be kata weapons)
Point Blank Shot (requires Archery)
Precise Shot (requires Archery)
Taunt (requires character to be able to speak  the target's language)
Spring Attack (requires Mobile Defense and the Combat Move: Moving Strike) -- note - this is a 3 tier Talent (only one, I think)
Zen Archery I (requires Archery)
Zen Archery II (requires Archery)

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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2011, 10:34:40 PM »
So my first impression was wrong. And even in the case of Spring attack, it only requires one prerequisite talent.
I am looking forward to reading more this WE.


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Libram Novus #3
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2011, 10:43:23 PM »
Spring Attack requires Mobile Defense which requires Focused Defense.. - so that is a 3 Talent chain....

But again, that is the only one that basically has a chain of prerequisites....