Great job there Rasyr, my next Paladin is in the starting block !
I do not have much time this evening and probably none within the next two days, but after a quick glance at LN3, I think the class design system is great and remains very simple. It makes my tinkering side feeling SO good.
I immediately read the fighter entry and discover that it lost the shield training, I think it's a good thing. The thief seems to be lacking its waylaying talent and is left with a meager 16 talent points. OTOH with the waylaying talent, it would have to let down either armor training 1 or favored skill to respect the 24-26 CP cost.
The talent section will improve the creation options greatly. I notice that you made a good number of attractive non-learnable talents and I think it a good idea. I also have the feeling that some of the talents are learnable in sequence. I haven't time enough at the moment to read it thouroughly, but this has a distinct DnDish feel to me (focused defense, mobile defense, spring attack). Just reading them makes me remember (fondly) my Neverwinter Nights adventures...
Congratulations to you for this new opus of LN and now... back to work on v0.7 please