Yesterday I was rereading the combat styles chapter from LN8 when an idea sprang to life. Would it be possible to make casting styles similar to the combat styles?
I do not have much time to explore that idea at the moment but maybe somebody has already thought about something like that?
For example, you could learn spell bases instead spells (though that should not be mandatory), use a magecraft skill plus a spellcasting sphere per base or school.
Then you can learn specific casting moves to modify the casting parameters exactly like you do with combat moves:
-quick casting: less APs to cast,
-slow casting: less SP but greater casting time
-lifeblood casting: ability to convert HP into SP to power up your spells,
-silent/stealth casting: trading a casting penalty for less noticeable casting,
-power casting: to make your spell harder to resist in exchange of a increased SP cost,
-defensive casting: allowing you to use part of your spellcasting to protect yourself from an incoming spell in exchange for some additional SP...
I think I will give this a deeper thought has the concept seems very cool. It may be enough to sum up the spellcasting parameters like range, scope and so on and then create moves to alter them.
Then you create casting styles maybe with access to a specific school or base, why not a talent and then some moves with a discount and here is a casting style ! Each casting move would only be usable with the school or base of the style.
I may be a bit enthusiastic but it doesn't seem so hard to do. The hardest part should be to create a set of guidelines to determine the cost of the different moves according to the modifiers they give...
I would really like some feedback on this.