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Author Topic: Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2  (Read 7567 times)

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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« on: February 18, 2019, 01:01:33 AM »
The Creator, The Protector, He who stands alone, the one above all
P'Tahn is seen as the first god, the source of all. He is the one who created order from the chaos that was before. It is said that he used his own essence to create

Sun Lord, God of the Sun, Daylord, Lightbringer
Be'el is the god of the day, of the son, and of Strength. He opposes all creatures of darkness and evil.

Moon Goddes, Beacon of the Night, the Inner Beacon, The Triple Goddess, The Dark Lady, The Huntress
Khonshi is the one who rules the night. She is resolute and relentless in guarding her domain. She does not like sharing it with unnatural creatures, such as undead. She is also a hunter, striking from shadows.She is the patron of all those who hunt, be it for excitement, for sport, for life or for pay.

Goddess of Healing, Death, Rebirth, and the Seasons, The Endless Cycle, the Traveller, The Wanderer
Solac represents cycles of growth and decay, of the tides, steady, yet always in motion. She is also a goddess of travel, of constant motion. Many of her clergy tend to wander from place to place, helping where they can. To Solac and her worshippers, death is a part of life, simply a different state. Those who fall shall return in one form or another, the wheel always turns, and the cycle continues.

The Mage Lord, The Wise One, The Crafter, The Eternal Musician
They say that Knowledge is Power. If that is so, then Ogmios may be one of the most powerfulof the Gods. He collects knowledge. There are many who worship him who feel that knowledge should be earned, not given, and who work to keep it that way. Others worship only one aspect of him, The Enternal Musician is the patron of Minstrels and Bards, while those of the various craftsguilds tend to pray to The Crafter and magic users look towards the Mage Lord.

The Forest Lord, the Green Man, The Fey Lord, The Hunter, The Lord of the Harvest.
Kernos is not an actual god, but a powerful spirit entity. He is the patron of many Druids and Rangers. While they do not worship him, they do pay him homage and ask for his blessings. He is said to control or lead many of the Fey Folk.

God of Fire, War, Conquest and Destruction
A violent god, caring only for death and destruction. They believe in anarchy, and in rule only by the most powerful. And they are not adverse to using any means to achieve it. Argrash believes in the strong ruling the weak

The Wylde Lord, God of Chaos, Storms, Nightmares and the Undead.
Tarantis is the dark reflection of P'Tahn. Where he created order out of the primal chaos, Tarantis wishes to return everything to that chaos. Civilization is seen as one of the greatest banes to the unrestricted freedom sought after by Tarantis. The undead are seen as a means to disrupt the order. They are outside the cycles of life and death binding Solac and her worshippers, thus they foment the chaos Tarantis truly seeks.

That gives us 4 good gods, 2 evil gods, and a powerful Spirit entity

Offline AresLunthar

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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2019, 01:34:25 AM »
I like it.  Less is more in some cases.  Let me know when you have spell lists for them!


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2019, 07:06:06 AM »
P'Tahn will use the default Cleric and Paladin lists.

I am also reworking the Circle of magic a bit as well.
I am going to move Shadowkin over to Black Magic, I have moved Spirit and Natural to be on either side of Divine, Mystic is on one side of Black magic now (I was trying to roughly equate the opposite philosophies).

I may need to swap Sorcery and Wizardry.


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2019, 07:27:10 AM »
Here is the list I came up with so far

Bless Water/Oil
Circle of Light
Detect Undead
Distractions (lights)
Divine Bolt (Fire)
Iron Skin
Protection from Evil
Repel Undead

Bless Water/Oil
Detect Undead
Divine Bolt (Moonlight)
Enhanced Senses
Moon Door (Shadow Door)
MoonBlade (Shadowblade)
Protection from Evil
Repel Undead
Sense Hidden
Shadowed Step


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2019, 08:33:47 AM »
And here is a list for Solac, mostly for her Traveller aspects

Bless Water/Oil
Circle of Light
Detect Hazards
Divine Bolt
Long Steps
Purify Food & Drink
Spirit Walk


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2019, 08:42:49 AM »
Bless Water/Oil
Divine Bolt
Force Disk
Object Reading
Protection (Wizardry spell)
Remove Curse


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2019, 08:51:50 AM »
Berry Bounty
Bless Water/Oil
Clear Passage
Detect Hazards
Divine Bolt
Path Lore
Speak with Animals
Tree Walking


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2019, 09:28:31 AM »
Bless Water/Oil
Cause Fear
Dark Omen
Eldritch Fire
Infernal Bolt

Cause Fear
Dark Omen
Infernal Bolt
Skeletal Guardian
Speak with the Dead
Touch of the Grave

And boom! Clerical Lists for each of the different Orders.

Offline AresLunthar

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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2019, 12:43:36 PM »
Nice.  I might get some time to work on game stuff today.  If so, I'll see if I can adapt one of my in-progress Nova Mini's to Tyrlon.


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Re: Gods of Tyrlon -- Take 2
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2019, 05:22:31 PM »
some color on the wheel of magic...