If you want to upload files to share with others, , you only need to be logged in and click on Downloads, and then on the Upload button in the upper right corner of the center section. Then there are just 7 steps to follow:
- Title -- This is where you put the name of the file
- Category -- This is where you want the file to be uploaded to. Don't worry, if you choose the wrong Category, I can fix it during approval.
- Description -- This is where you write information about the file. Just about anything you want to say.
- Choose File to Upload -- This is where you select the file in question.
- Icon -- Choose an icon for the file, based on the type of file. For example, select the PDF icon if you are uploading a PDF.
- Create New Topic -- When you check this box, uploading the file and it getting approval it will automatically create a topic for it in the Download Submissions forum
- Last Text Box -- In this Box, you would put a copy of what you put in the description OR you can put something else in there to talk about your file.