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Fantasy Express

Novus 2nd Edition

Novus 1st Edition

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Fantasy Express 1.0 Released! No more Beta!
« on: November 24, 2024, 07:28:08 PM »

What is Fantasy Express?

Fantasy Express is a new game, based on Against the Darkmaster and the Grievious Grimoire. It is released under license from Open 00 Games, and also being released under Creative Commons license.

But what is Fantasy Express like?

Basic Mechanics

  • Dice Mechanic - Uses a 2d10 open-ended mechanic (not d100)

  • Resolution Mechanic - Has a universal mechanic that is used for almost everything, with a few flourishes, based on the type of roll (i.e. spells get saves, etc.) using the FEAT (Fantasy Express Action/Task) table. It also determines how successful the character is with up to 5 Success Levels able to be earned. The FEAT table takes up a tiny portion of the character sheet so that is always readily available.

  • Combat - For Combat, you roll on the FEAT table, and subtract the foe's Defensive Modifier (DM) and look up the result. Partial Success = deal half of the weapon's Damage rating as hits of damage. Success, do the full damage rating as hits (plus +1 hit for each point the result is over 20), and you also earn Success Levels. Those are spent on Critical Results, chosen by the player - no random criticals - and even include results that can be beneficial in the following round. On the other side, Armor reduces the amount of damage dealt (both weapons and armor have ratings for types of attack, so may be better in one aspect than another -- for example, an Armor Sword has a Damage Rating of 12s/8p, and Soft Leather has an Armor Rating of B1/S2/P1/SL0, so wearing just the leather armor reduces the Slashing attack from the sword by 2 points - Parrying IS your friend!!!

  • Magic - Character have Mana Points. Spells have levels. However, the Spell Lores as base effects that are used to build spells on the fly. Once you have it figured out, you cast it (takes 2 rounds) and subtract the Mana Points for it. You can also record your most common spells in your spellbook (and review them daily to keep them fresh), and cast them more quickly than spells cast on the fly (you are not limited to one or the other, you can do both types of casting). Success Levels can increase the effects in various ways, again the player's choice on how by spending the Success Levels. Some spells are against DM, others get Saves, depending on how the spell works. Skills - you can earn Success on skill rolls as well, and spend them on results that can mean that skill took less time or even gave you bonus on another roll later one, and again, the choice is all up to the player.

  • Default Setting - The default setting for Fantasy Express is Anwyn ( There is a short overview in the front of the book. More information can be found on the website.

System Details

  • Stats - there are 7 stats, and multiple methods for generating them.

  • Races - 9 Races total (3 Human, 3 Elven, 1 Dwarf, Dwelf (think slender, athletic halflings), and Gnome) -- each provides the character with some background option points, stat modifiers

  • Cultures - There are 15 Cultures to select from. Each provides some information about dress, general demeanor, and give a bit for starting wealth. Each also rpovides 20 skill ranks divided among a number of skills.

  • Vocations - There are 32 Vocational Kits given. However, each is only half of a full Vocation, so you select 2 for your character and simply combine them. This method gives you about 528 possible combinations for building the type of character you want. This allows for extremely flexible character generation without a lot fo complication. Each Vocation gives 10 Development Points split among the Skill Categories, and 20 skill ranks split amoung the various skills. Each also gives you the choice of one of 3 Special Skills related to the Vocation.

  • Skill Categories & Skills - There are 9 Skill Categories in total and 42 separate skills, although, some skills, such as Spell Lores, are learned multiple times, for a different version of the skill each time.

  • Special Skills - There are about 34 Special Skills. Each can only be learned once, and you do not purchase them like normal skills. You get them from your Vocation, from a Background Option selection or from Milestones

  • Background Options - there are 57 Background Options with 2 levels to each, giving a total of 110 Gifts that you can spend your Background Option Points on. But wait! There's more! There are also 34 Drawbacks as well. Drawbacks give you more BackGround Option Points (you can get up to 3 total) to spend on more Gifts.

  • Passions - Passions are essentially descriptions about how your characters act. Each character has 3. When they come into play, they can earn you more Drive.

  • Drive - you can have up to 5 Drive total at any given time (if you have 5, you cannot gain more until you spend some). Drive can be spent to do rerolls, give a bonus on a roll, or a small number of other things. You also track how much Drive you have used (this is called your Heroic Path), and for every 10 points on your Heroic Path, you gain a Milestone.

  • Milestones - Thes are bonus abilities that you can gain after you have spent 10 Drive Points. There are about 35 in total, and while you can only gain most once, there are some that can be gained multiple times.


Additional Features/Items

  • Commerce Table - For when you want to roll trading interations.

  • Weather Generation - simple, but flexible.

  • Example Spells - 160 example spells spread across the 8 Schools of Magic, all made using the 14 Spell Lores.

  • Bestiary - Appriximately160 stat blocks for creatures.

  • Item Creation rules - for magical items

  • Example Treasures - We provide an array of example treasure to show what sort of things can be done with the Item Creation rules.