Welcome to the fourth issue of Express Additions. As always, our primary goal here is to expand the core rules of Fantasy Express with options and/or additional material that we could not fit into the core rules, or that we did not think of before publishing the core rules.
We start off this issue with some additional rules options for characters who do not cast spells. this includes an option that breaks down the 5 core Combat Skills into 19 different skills, based on the type of weapon. This option even includesa guideline for Similar Skill Bonuses for these new Arms Skills.
We then add a couple of new Special Skills, and 5 new Milestones, including several that involve pushing through and fighting while stunned! Fighter types will love these!
Next up, we expand our definitions of Magic, by adding the Arcanum, as two new Schools of Magic. This gives us 5 Vocational Kits to go along with the new Schools of Magic and the Arcanum. We also add Collegium spells, similar to the Universal Spells, but more difficult to cast overall. They are considered to be part of the Arcanum
And we wrap up this issue with 80 new spells. That is 20 Collegium Spells, 30 Astromancy Spells and 30 Umbramancy Spells.