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Author Topic: What is Tyrlon?  (Read 14535 times)

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What is Tyrlon?
« on: May 04, 2011, 04:37:03 PM »
Tyrlon is the official setting for Novus. It is currently in development and expected to be released later this year or early next yet. It is still too far from being finished for us to have any information more accurate than that.

Tyrlon is an island setting. It is unique in that it is set in a dimensional pocket that attaches to many different possible outer worlds. This will allow GMs to bring their player characters from whatever setting they are currently in to Tyrlon. Giving them someplace new to explore and adventure.

As time progresses, we will reveal more and more information about Tyrlon.

For example, Humans, Elves, and Dwarves are recently arrivals on Tyrlon. They have created a small colony that is a little over 100 years old. There are two nearby civilizations, to the north there is one formed of tribal Halflings (i.e. barbarians) who ride and even heard goat-like (or related) creatures. To the south, there is a agrarian society of winged beings known as the Volar.

There are many strange and unusual things about the island....

imported_Raf Blutaxt

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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 10:29:31 PM »
Volare! Ohoh! sings Great to see they are in, I love the idea


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 09:49:54 PM »
I have a red unitard made of valore...........branigans law ya know..


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 12:32:51 AM »
This is really cool because, unless you are really against this idea, now we can also include different races from different technological eras in the multiverse who could possibly end up on this island and the different possibilities of different religious ideologies, magical theories, cultural differences, and so on... there are some really great possibilities in a setting like this. I'm going to have to use this idea to spawn some playtesting ideas when the moment for us to play come.


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 01:11:14 AM »
The island is in what amounts to a pocket dimension. Think of dimension portals and rips in space/time, Tyrlon is where they tend to end up in many case. The island also has a population of Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, and a number of unusual creatures. In fact, the orcs claim a large valley where it is said that ruins appear and disappear from time to time...

The Colonists (Human, Elves, and Dwarves -- led by the Elves, being the longest lived) have only been on the island for about 100 years or so (possibly less), and have one city, and a few small towns scattered about within a relatively secluded area (a peninsula actually, and there are mountains between them and the rest of the island).

To their north, across a good sized river are the barbarian Halflings. Their mounts are goat-like creatures, and they also heard and raise goats (a couple of different breeds - for meat/milk/fiber(cloth)/etc... ) They are semi-nomadic, and they used to always trade with the Volar before the colonists arrived. Now they trade with both.

The Volar live south of the colonists, high up in the boughs of a forest of giant trees (think redwood-sized). They cleared an area and have a number of farms. And up near the mountains, they also have a few mines, though their smithing wasn't anything fancy.

Neither the Halflings nor the Volar are native to Tyrlon (none of the sentient races are). Just like the first Elven ships that arrived, they were transported through a dimensional rift. The Elven ships happened to be carrying a couple of mages who, after a couple of months, figured out how to get them home. Once home, their ruler decided that this land, rich in resources, would be a good place to colonize, so he hired/recruited Human and Dwarven groups to come help build the city.

The first priority was getting the city built. Then making sure that the surrounding lands were safe to start villages, way stations for those set to explore the interior. In fact, there is an Adventure's Guild. Adventurers are licensed, and they are expected to map where they go and to return and record their findings. They are taxed on what they bring back, but may otherwise keep whatever they find (the city officials are more interested in the natural resources that might be found).

Many groups never return. Nor is there a "gold rush" mentality at work because adventuring is dangerous business, so there aren't many who like doing it. But those that do, tend to be competitive...

Now, it is possible that groups from other times or worlds may show up. Likely that it would happen from time to time. However, the events that cause large groups to be transported are rare, so it is unlikely to find advanced civilizations or such. The island is not fully explored (barely explored), but it might not be totally impossible to find a crashed spaceship, or a few blocks of an advanced city (that was transported to Tyrlon instead of being destroyed by some advanced weaponry), though in this latter case, the island's own fauna (both natural and transplanted) likely made short work of those who had no wilderness survival skills....

Truly, the possibilities are endless... (and likely timeless as well...)

Offline Craig CRM

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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 07:10:40 PM »
It's sounding something like a fantasy version of "Stargate SG-1".  That being said, a core setting which is already extra-planar brings some really intriguing plot hooks to the gaming table.  After all what BBEG would pass on the chance to control the inter-dimensional nexus?  What about the relationship between the deities from different worlds?  Would magic work the same on each plane, and if not how will that be reflected in the mechanics?

I can only imagine (jealously) the brainstorming going into that part of Novus!


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 07:26:51 PM »
Actually, the setting is the island itself. I currently have no plans on extending beyond Tyrlon itself (though that may always change). I don't even plan on detailing where the colonists come from, thus allowing for it to be ANY world that has Elves, Dwarves and Humans.

The idea here is to provide a small, compact setting, that is designed in such a way as to allow GMs to bring groups from their own settings - giving them someplace NEW to explore. And with the small colony being present, that allows for GMs to START campaigns on Tyrlon as well.  Tyrlon is also a setting where adventurers are not only expected, but required, since there is only one tiny portion that is "civilized" to any extent.

Offline Vector Z

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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 04:18:43 AM »
So is Tyrlon basically the kind of place where the Bermuda Triangles of the Multiverse dump into?


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2011, 12:43:26 PM »

So is Tyrlon basically the kind of place where the Bermuda Triangles of the Multiverse dump into?

Something like that, but less with the modern/future stuff and more with the fantasy/magical stuff.

Offline mattiyaho

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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2012, 06:54:50 PM »
I think this is a great idea ant I cant wait to see it. My suggestion is that there needs to be numerous small islands surrounding tyrlon many mysterious.
I would even like to write an aventure modual describing the islands and pirates got to have pirates. 


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2012, 07:55:48 PM »
Pirates are actually a possibility... Since the folks who decided to colonize Tyrlon found a way through the stormwall, there is nothing to say that the secret didn't leak out, or that others might have discovered they way before the ship that led to the colonists showing up...

However, the number of smaller islands (not many at all) is already set...

Here is a post showing the Tyrlon map --

However, since most of the island's shore is cliffs, I am sure that there are ample opportunities for caverns large enough to hold ships to be found....

And here is one showing the map for the colonist's city, Argus --

Offline mattiyaho

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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2012, 12:30:08 AM »
Thanks for the links they're very helpful.


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2012, 12:36:58 AM »
Here are a couple more links -- no maps on this one, but some background...


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2012, 07:00:35 PM »
Hi guys,

I was wondering whether there would be any more material about Tyrlon and its lands, some kind of regional descriptions.
I really like the concept of the island being a sort of crossroads of worlds in the multiverse and am eager to read more.


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What is Tyrlon?
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2012, 08:03:38 PM »
I am working on writing it...