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Author Topic: Stat Generation Methods Poll  (Read 6323 times)

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imported_Raf Blutaxt

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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2011, 02:27:11 PM »
I am very much in favor of random generation. Taking it completely out of the book would be a shame. Adding a point-buy method is ok for me, but the random rolling of stats is essential to fantasy rpg's for me. And it's more old-school.


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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2011, 02:34:52 PM »
Right now, I am planning on adding Point Buy back into the rules. Am not planning on removing the random method, but am considering changing it.

Heh... I may end up needing to do a poll to determine which random method to include.... Brianbloom has made some very good suggestions, so while I know random will remain, I don't know what version of random...

Offline brianbloom

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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2011, 04:39:12 PM »

Oh, perhaps I wasn't clear the costs for increasing stats would be the same as for the point buy (1 point for 1 point increase up to 15, then 3 points per 1 point increase from 16 to 20), it is the trade in (-1 point to a stat (any stat value gives 1 point for use in increasing other stats)

Okay, I misunderstood.  I thought you were talking a flat 1:1 trade regardless of stat value.  This approach here I can support.  It also gives a person who rolls nothing but a bunch of 12s or13s the chance to bump up and down a few stats, so I think it's a good idea.

Tim, my proposal/request is that before you post a new rolling method poll, to tell me which dice methods you want to include, and I can make a single graph showing how each method's distribution looks, so everyone can get a sense for what numbers they will produce.  That way they can can make a more informed decision.


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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2011, 01:52:02 AM »
Can you do a graph that compares the current method (the one in the current manuscript), and 3d10 drop lowest (reroll under 6), and both the 2d10 (reroll 1/2, and reroll <6)

I would like to be able to compare all 4 together to see how the distributions look...

Offline brianbloom

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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2011, 06:52:39 AM »
Recap of dice methods, included on attached chart

(I apologize to anyone who is colorblind.  I experimented with several different chart types and colors, and all of them were rather muddled.  This one was the clearest)

Current Method
two lines on chart, blue with diamonds for 6 non-prime stats, red with squares for 2 prime stats
Average stat (non-prime) = 13.15
Average stat (prime) = 17.15
Most common stat (non-prime) = 15
Most common stat (prime) = 20

2d10, rerolling any 1s and 2s
purple line with circles
Average stat = 13
most common stat = 13

2d10, rerolling stats < 6
peach line with circles
Average stat = 11.8
Most common stat = 11

3d10, dropping lowest die, rerolling stats < 6
Green line with triangles
Average stat = 13.475
Most common stat = 14



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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2011, 02:13:55 PM »
Okay, so it looks like the Stat Generation methods will be the following:

  • Random Method -- Roll 2d10, rerolling any die that results in a 1 or a 2. Assign the 8 generated stats as you like.
  • Point Buy -- Stats start at a base of 10, spend 35 points to raise them according to the table.

    10 = 0
    11 = 1
    12 = 2
    13 = 3
    14 = 4
    15 = 5
    16 = 8
    17 = 11
    18 = 14
    19 = 17
    20 = 20
  • Stat Block -- Use this predefined block of stats, (17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 12, 11, 10). Assign them as you like.
  • Final Adjustments -- The player may, during character creation only, lower one or more stats, down to a minimum value of 6. He gains 1 point for each point that a stat is reduced. He may then spend those points in the following manner:
    • Stats of 14 or less --  For each point spent on a stat whose value is within this range, increase the value of the stat by 1 point.
    • Stats of 15 or greater -- To raise a stat whose value is within this range, the player must pay 3 points for every point of increase.
    • Note: For these Final Adjustments, each point of increase is treated as a separate purchase when determining the cost. Thus, raising a stat from 13 to 16 costs 5 points, 1 point to raise it to 14, 1 point to raise it to 15, and 3 points to raise it to 16. 

Offline Fidoric

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Stat Generation Methods Poll
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2012, 07:07:09 PM »
I think you have something for everybody there. The point buy method is a must for me.