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Author Topic: Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)  (Read 4423 times)

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:25:54 PM »
Note: I am slowly working on Libram Novus #4 while waiting on feedback and corrections that need to be made to the core rules. Therefore, I decided to post a little bit about the new classes I am working on for LN4, to get some feedback and/or suggestions  as the case may be....

Rangers are wilderness survival specialists. They know how to survive in the wild and their spells aid in that, as well as in finding their way in unfamiliar terrain. Rangers are often employed guarding certain forests or other tracts of land, or as guides into dangerous or unknown territories.

Rangers are Semi-Adepts of the School of Natural Magic. They use the "Mn" costs for Universal Spells and spells from the Ranger Spell List. They use the "N" cost for other spells from the School of Natural Magic. (Note: learning spells from the School of Natural Magic, that are not part of the Ranger Spell List, requires learning a second Spellcasting skill, but no Talent is required for this)

Like other practitioners of Natural Magic, Rangers believe that there is magic in all living things, and they will have a pouch of material components, small bits and objects that have an esoteric connection to the spells that they cast. Should a Ranger try to cast a spell without the components from his pouch, he will be at a -4 to the casting attempt.

Ranger Spell List
01) Nature's Weapon -- transform to get natural weapon based on animal -- Note: am not too sure about this one
02) Nature's Bounty - finds nearest shelter, food or potable water
03) Nature's Cloak - blends into the backgroun, almost invisible
04) Nature's Walk -- is unhindered by terrain, treats it as flat level ground
05) Path Lore - get information about a path
06) Tree Merge - merges with a tree
07) Find Path - finds nearest path (to specific destination at higher)
08) Hide Trace - hides tracks or signs of usage at a specific location
09) Nature's Senses - gains bonus to senses, including the ability to track by scent
10) Animal Invisibility -- makes the target invisible (and undetectable to animals)

So, what are your initial thoughts? Do you like the spells for the Ranger spell list? Any suggestions on alternative spells? Any and all suggestions are welcome..

Offline Fidoric

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 12:03:36 PM »
I like this set of spells. I agree with you that the first seems a little out of place. Maybe you could replace it by a spell enhancing the ranger abilities against unnatural creatures (undeads, demons ?), something like: 

Nature's Wrath : any non-natural creature harmed by the ranger receive an additional xx base damage.


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 12:51:52 PM »
Ahh... something like:

Ranger's Bane -- when learned, the caster chooses one type of creature (orcs, kobolds, undead, spirits, demons, devils, dragons, wyverns, etc.) and gains the following (insert benefits) when fighting that type of creature.

This would allow for Rangers of different areas to have different Banes, and I can also see ways of including Casting Options for it as well.

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 03:47:26 PM »
I can see either that or a "general purpose" ranger with smaller bonuses against every non-natural creature.


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 04:27:36 PM »
I like the Bane, since it will allow for rangers of different areas to have different enemies...

For example, in one are, Orcs might be a constant threat, so Rangers from that area receive their bonuses against the Orcs. In another are, that might be wyverns, or dragons, or even some other type of creature

And it need not be "unnatural" creatures, it needs to be something that is/was a threat to the area in which the Ranger was trained....

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 06:35:38 PM »
I like the Bane concept too. My proposition was to make the ranger a defender of nature in general. But thinking about it, it is maybe a little too broad for a semi caster. It could be a Natural magic spell though: Nature's Ward: any "unnatural creature" must make a save or receive a penalty within the area.


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 12:05:01 AM »
that could be for later...


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2012, 04:43:38 PM »
Well, the list of spells given up above have gone through a number of iterations and changes since they were originally posted (partly because of the later adjustments to allow Semi Adepts to learn the spells from the normal School (at "N" cost), so that makes it unnecessary to repeat spells in many cases, if they really want it, they can pay for it.

Anyways, I still have 2 spells left to write, and then the Ranger will also be done, and I can then look at pagemaking this and getting it released.


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2012, 08:56:19 PM »
Okay, here is the final list of Ranger Spells and their basic stats. Rangers are Semi Adepts of Natural Magic. As such they purchase the following list of spells using the Mj costs, and may purchase normal Natural Magic spells (which must be cast using a separate Spellcasting skill) using the N costs. Major Adepts of Natural Magic may purchase these spells using the Mn costs and Minor Adepts (or Major Adepts with an Extra School of Magic) may purchase these spells using the N costs.

  • Animal Aspect (CTN:21;SP:2;Rng:Self;Dur:2 minutes) -- Allows the caster to take on animal aspects (i.e. carrying capacity of an ant, the ability to breathe water (instead of air) of fish, etc.).
  • Berry Bounty (CTN:18;SP:1;Rng:Touch;Dur:5 minutes) -- Enchants a small amount of berries or edible seeds so that they provide nutrition equivalent to that of a full meal. If not consumed within duration, it destroys the enchanted berries/seeds.
  • Clear Passage (CTN:20;SP:2;Rng:Self;Dur:10 minutes) -- Vegetation moves out of caster's way and the ground is always level beneath his feet, at least when this spell is active.
  • Inner Compass (CTN:18;SP:1;Rng:Self;Dur:1 minute) -- Caster determines direction and maybe rough distance to his "Target". Caster must know the target for the base form of the spell.
  • Nature's Fang (CTN:18;SP:1;Rng:Touch;Dur:2 minutes) -- temporarily enchant predominately wooden weapons - AB for the base, but casting options allows for adding bonus damage as well.
  • Path Lore (CTN:19;SP:2;Rng:Touch;Dur:varies) -- learns information about a give path. can also see visions of past traveler/events, or search/scan among them as well.
  • Ranger's Bane (CTN:23;SP:3;Rng:Self;Dur:5 minutes) -- Caster gets 2 Boon Points for every successful attack, these are in addition to those earned by the attack.
  • Shelter (CTN:20;SP:2;Rng:10';Dur:1 day) -- creates shelter out of nearby flora and terrain
  • Shifting Weapon (CTN:18;SP:1;Rng:Touch;Dur:2 minutes) -- transforms bow into staff (or short bow into club) or vice versa..
  • Tree Walking (CTN:20;SP:2;Rng:Self;Dur:1 hour/varies) -- merge with tree, and maybe teleport to another tree of the same type within range

Some Ranger spells take longer than normal to cast (i.e. 2 minutes to cast), as they are not meant for use during or in combat...

break time, then maybe start pagemaking in a bit...[/list]

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2012, 10:06:01 PM »
I like the "touch of the wild" in those spells.

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 02:08:38 PM »
So, just for the sake of argument, what's the difference between a semi-adept Ranger and an Archer with the Talent "Minor Adept (nature)"?


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2012, 03:46:44 PM »
The archer method likely takes more CP to create, plus has higher costs for the "Ranger" spells.

The Ranger, on the other hand, is not an archer (i.e. does not have the same talents as the archer does).

In short, there are likely several different ways to create any specific character type that you want to consider. The Classes essentially give you a template to work from. Consider them as something of a short-cut for designing a character somewhat along the lines of what you want.

On the other hand, once a player is confident in the rules, there is always the option found in Libram Novus #3, allowing for the creation of a character from the ground up without using any of the predefined Classes.

Novus is all about giving the player and the GM choices, and options, while at the same time, keeping everything relatively balanced overall. Nothing can ever be truly balanced, not if you are giving choices, as some choices will always be better than others. The trick is to keep thing with shouting distance of one another and not allowing extreme abuse to rule the day.

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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2012, 10:47:15 PM »
Some people like extreme abuse.  :-X


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Ranger (for Libram Novus #4)
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2012, 11:01:04 PM »

Some people like extreme abuse.  :-X

Then perhaps Novus is not the game for them...