A few things I must have missed when I read over the OOC thread before.
1) I don't believe you spend any Spell Points when your spell fizzles.
2) I think Ceillen wants to bash one of the tenticle things, but he still needs to roll. Also do you want to attack the creature that is attacking you, or do you want to attack the creature that is attacking Ewyn?
3) Ewyn's Results:
If tendril is around arm holding baton -- cast Empty Hand again, at the tendril holding me, roll was 28, the creature's defense is 20.
Libram Novus #4 -- basically is similar to the Astral Bolt (4 points of Base Damage (no stat mod to Base Damage) + 1 point for each point over foe's DEF), but it can also be cast in a Cone form (which I did not do - hehe). Since the CTN is only 16, that means that Ewyn would have earned a Casting Boon Point as well, which he would use to "Double Numerical Effect" (which would mean 8 points Base Damage, instead of 4 -- Scaled Damage would remain as per normal).
So you will deal 12 damage to the creature, plus 4 more damage for the Double Numerical Effect for a total of 16 damage to it.
I will wait for Ceillen's roll and then post this round's results.