I figured that I would share a few ideas that I have had for options for Novus (i.e. to be published in issues of Libram Novus eventually), and you can also feel free to submit your own ideas (however, a word of warning, by submitting an idea in this thread, you are granting Firehawk Games the right to use that idea in any fashion it wishes, including completely changing how it works, without any expectation of compensation of any form).
Note that these are just rough outlines of ideas and all need further development before being ready to be published.
hits equal another type of pain, use Boon Points to equal "real damage" with each Boon Point equaling 1 point of damage to Con. When Con reaches zero, character is dead, when hits reach zero, character is unconscious....
20 (maybe 30) points per round, init (2d10+) figures starting point, count down from there. Actions have TAP cost which is modified by Quickness Stat Bonus. Allows for much more tactical system....
Max of 30 TAP, actual amount is determined by init roll (anything over 30 equals 30), start at highest iTAP (initial TAP) and declare actions, subtract the TAPc from iTap and that becomes the new TAP. Actions are resolved at the new TAP point (thus allowing others to declare/take actions that may resolve before the initially declared action takes place).
Characters do not have a static DEF score. Instead, they roll against the incoming attack, and if the attack roll is higher, it does damage as normal. There are 2 types of rolls -- Avoid & Deflect -- still need to determine base bonuses for these - should NOT be level based!! perhaps a +1 to them for every 3 ranks in best melee based skill?)
3 Classes - Combat, Skill-based, or Magic-based Classes with options that allow for customizing each...
This needs LOTS and LOTS of development before it could be ready.. Perhaps give each of the 3 classes xx points to spend on a specific list of potential choices, but if I did this, I would likely have more than 3 Classes, perhaps 4-5 Classes that allow for various archetypes (i.e. Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Outdoorsman, Disciple (i.e. Martial Artist types), etc..).
Earn extra Fate points when starting a group -- gain 1 extra Fate Point when doing char gen by providing links from your character to another character which helps explain why you are willing to adventure together. No more than 2 extra Fate Points for this, and inexperienced players should be allowed to use the obverse of the same event to hook back to the originating player.
Got this idea from a thread on rpg.net talking about how some other games handle things (but usually giving skills or xp -- I thought Fate Points would be better).
Can save Boon Points for later rolls if desired. BPs kept separate by type (skill, combat, magic). Must declare that will be using 1 or more Boon Points before making a roll, and declare how many will be used (but not what they will be used for). Any Boon Points earned in such a roll may be used or Saved. Player may also treat up to 2 Boon Points as if they were a Fate Point and use them to make sure the roll is successful if need be..