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Author Topic: Possible errata and typos  (Read 2214 times)

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Offline Zut

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Possible errata and typos
« on: June 25, 2014, 06:58:08 PM »

I may have found some typos in the Novus text, and as I was encouraged by Tim to post them, here they are! I don't pretend these are absolute corrections to be made, as I may misread the rules (if this is the case, please tell me!).

pp. 20-21
Maximum Skill Ranks Per Level

Ranks gained from a character's
Background are not purchased, so do not count towards the
limit on how many may be purchased. However, ranks from
your character's Background do count in determining the
cost of given rank your character is purchasing.

is quite similar to

Characters receive a number
of free ranks in some skills from
their Backgrounds. These ranks
do not count against the number
of ranks that may be purchased
each level; however, they do
count against the CP cost of any
skill ranks purchased.

p. 22
Skill Descriptions

Acrobatics and Athletics

The types of actions that both skills cover are quite similar. Especially, climbing is in both. It would be useful to have an example of use of these skills.

once. Thus is a character has Nightvision from his race, and

I think that "is" needs to be replaced by "if".

p. 31

The blackjack is listed as a kind of blunt weapon, but I couldn't find it in the Weapons' section. I suggest to remove it from the talent's description.

p. 35
Armor & Shields

Pen. - This is the Armor Penalty. [...]
If he does not have training in wearing armor, then
double this penalty is applied to all of the character's

Maybe add "of" after "double"?

p. 36

Greaves are used to protect the legs of the wearer, normally
the thigh and upper legs, but there are also versions that
protect the calves as well. Wearing Greaves with Torso Armor

It looks like the end of the second sentence is missing...

p. 42
Actions Points table

Cast Counterspell or a Fast Cast a Spell

Maybe remove the first "a"?

Step 2: Declare Actions

I couldn't find a combat move called Power Attack using 7 AP. The closest one I saw is Power Strike with 6 AP. Maybe a last minute change of name?

may have based on the number of ranks that they have in a
given Combat Skill and their level of Combat Training.

Maybe add talent at the end of the sentence?

p. 48
Basic Melee attack

A successful attack does the Base Damage of the
weapon used and Scaled Damage both.

Maybe "both" goes after "does"?

p. 49

This Move may only be used if the character first
performs a successful Block in the same round.

Is it the same Block as Basic Block?


1.5 times the size of the character or less tha half the size
of the character using this Move.

I think there needs an "n" after "tha".



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Possible errata and typos
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2014, 06:12:58 AM »
You seem to have caught some things that we may have missed previously...

Some of the items you list would definitely fall into the list of things to consider for the next edition/version (i.e. when I release a fully errata'd version). And some of the items you list, I think would fall under style differences...

For example, you suggestion for page 35 would only make sense if I also added the word "the" before the word double, at least to me....

But a pretty good list to start with... 

Offline Fidoric

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Possible errata and typos
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2014, 03:52:49 PM »
In Libram Novus 1, we may be lacking one option in the 'Attack' table for additional targets.
Other tables have it and the general cost is +2 for codified spells / +4 for Improv spells.