Using "Mark's Adventure Glyphs" to seed my character concept. Glyphmark had many mystical dreams as a young child that he would travel and protect many lands with formidable offensive and defensive abilities. These dreams also foretold of a time when he would equip himself to go hunt a terrible monster. Because of these dreams and his own mystical inclinations Glyphmark sought to learn all he could of the magical arts as a way of gaining the power he would need both to kill and defend. Since, leaving his home he has traveled at the rumor of any monster. His father was a member of the local crafting guild that specialized in creating in door plumbing for new homes in a small growing city on the banks of medium sized stable river. His family home was a converted farm that his ancestors had worked before becoming artificers. He is human, semi-educated and tall. Being tall and naturally protective of smaller children reinforced his dreams apparent calling to protect and defend others. He has a weird shaped birthmark on he left cheek that inspired his parent to name him Glyphmark and give him room and some small finances for his mystical studies.