OK, so I decided to take a shot (I do not apologize for the pun) at developing some firearms for use in the Shattered Moon Micro-Setting.
Accordingly I had to pick a time frame and technology level. I settled on firearms from 1850-1890. Basically, I wanted there to be repeating firearms, but not automatic firearms. I am not an amateur historian or guns guy - so, if anyone has any input please feel free to comment. I didn't want to create a detail list of firearms only develop a few options:
PISTOL: Breach Action Reload, Single Shot, Long Barrel Pistol
REVOLVER: Break Action, 6 Shot Cylinder, Repeater
RIFLE I: Bolt Action Action, Cartridge fed, single shot rifle (Remmington)
RIFLE II: Spring Loaded, Lever Action, Cartridge Fed Single Shot Rifle (Winchester)
SHOTGUN: Break Action, Single Shot
DMG RI Size Recoil Reload
Pistol 5 50 T -1 2AP
Revolver 6 30 T -1 0/6AP
Rifle I 8 100 M -2 2/6AP
Rifle II 8 75 M -2 1/8AP
Shotgun 80 30 M -3 2/6AP
You might notice I added a Recoil Penalty. I think this might be the best way to control firing multiple times in one round as repeating firearms would easily be able to fire 2x/round. So, I think the second (or both shots) would be penalized for the sake of game balance.
The Reload was split into shot/cartridge- Revolvers beign a classic 6 shooter, i recall bolt action rifles often having magazines of 6-12, and lever actions having a tube housing that held around 6 shots as well. The shot gun listed is for a single barrel.
Any thoughts?