OK- I put together an Elven/Rover/Scout. I do have some thoughts formulating, but, over-all CharGen is as fluid as I remember. I LOVE the 3 stage layered package approach (as you will remember Tim). So, on to the observations:
1. Add something like Lift/Carry to Size so that we can define a Base Lift Weight. As a GM it's very a useful.
2. I'd add Equipment to the Training Path - D&D5E gives you options at the various stages of CharGen so you're adding equipment as you're going. I find players like the "build" aspect. This would be particularly useful in the "Lite" public play-test version IMO
3. Stats: I understand and remember that we changed Novus to a TN20 resolution. But, I wonder if this revision might be an opportunity to do something a little different....why not present the stats as TNs so when you are rolling skills you are rolling against a stat?
So, for example: the array of +5,+4, +4, +4, +3, +3, +3, +3 would be 18, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20. If you then reverse the Bonus/Penalties of the Racial Stats you modify the base TN +/- by the racial mods.
Suddenly, aside from combat, all core dice rolls are represented on the Character Sheet. Since one of the reasons skills were "unlocked" from stats was to encourage creative game-play players would have all their base TNs right in front of them, hopefully removing some of that hesitations.